ALL SETS SHIPPED! [CLOSED] 'K' Blade Runner 2049 outfit by Yunsil / Toribox

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Pic of closed jacket, sure you have plenty of pics but just in case 170914172647-blade-runner-fashion-officer-k-coat-ryan-gosling-1.jpg can't wait to see proto this set is going to be sick!
BTW, researched the jacket. The closure over the face uses magnets as a means of securing one side to the other. Pretty cool!
Re: ACCEPTING DEPOSITS for 'K' Blade Runner 2049 outfit by Yunsil / Toribox [Due Jan

I'm extending deposits until the 12th so that we can hopefully reach 20 and get the price down another $100.
Re: ACCEPTING DEPOSITS for 'K' Blade Runner 2049 outfit by Yunsil / Toribox [Due Jan

I doubt we'll ever see a high end quality version of this figure like what's being produced here. If you're on the fence, just jump in. I personally can't wait to have K next to Deckard.
Re: ACCEPTING DEPOSITS for 'K' Blade Runner 2049 outfit by Yunsil / Toribox [Due Jan

I'm glad this deadline is extended, I was hoping more people would jump in but I'm still puzzled by the start price for a coat, t-shirt, pants and suspenders. My last project with her last year started at $450 on the low end (10-14 sets) for a printed pattern collared shirt, a zippered jacket, pants, belt and a fatsuit.

Not trying to start trouble or suggest there is markup (that's your right anyway!) I just don't know what I'm missing in the complexity? Or have her prices just jumped that much?
Re: ACCEPTING DEPOSITS for 'K' Blade Runner 2049 outfit by Yunsil / Toribox [Due Jan

I'm glad this deadline is extended, I was hoping more people would jump in but I'm still puzzled by the start price for a coat, t-shirt, pants and suspenders. My last project with her last year started at $450 on the low end (10-14 sets) for a printed pattern collared shirt, a zippered jacket, pants, belt and a fatsuit.

Not trying to start trouble or suggest there is markup (that's your right anyway!) I just don't know what I'm missing in the complexity? Or have her prices just jumped that much?

I was astonished by the price too. I probably would have walked away at that quote if I hadn't really loved the film.

The prices are just estimates. I'm hoping she finds the coat (which she stated as the cause of the higher-than-usual price) easier than expected and can lower it.

I added in roughly $5 per set over the actual projected cost to cover my time, so that's trivial relative to the overall quotes.
Re: ACCEPTING DEPOSITS for 'K' Blade Runner 2049 outfit by Yunsil / Toribox [Due Jan

Yeah, running these are more time-consuming than people realize, $5 is nothing. I would push her a bit if you don't mind me suggesting. You've been on here a lot longer than me and probably have enough examples of pricing for some of these things. I know there is the printing on the back of the jacket - maybe that makes things tougher? But it still seems crazy. 50+ is still 350, meanwhile, the Joker set with overcoat, blazer, printed shirt, pants with chain, tie, vest, socks, and suspenders is $450 (and likely a little marked up).

I was astonished by the price too. I probably would have walked away at that quote if I hadn't really loved the film.

The prices are just estimates. I'm hoping she finds the coat (which she stated as the cause of the higher-than-usual price) easier than expected and can lower it.

I added in roughly $5 per set over the actual projected cost to cover my time, so that's trivial relative to the overall quotes.
Re: ACCEPTING DEPOSITS for 'K' Blade Runner 2049 outfit by Yunsil / Toribox [Due Jan

Yeah, running these are more time-consuming than people realize, $5 is nothing. I would push her a bit if you don't mind me suggesting. You've been on here a lot longer than me and probably have enough examples of pricing for some of these things. I know there is the printing on the back of the jacket - maybe that makes things tougher? But it still seems crazy. 50+ is still 350, meanwhile, the Joker set with overcoat, blazer, printed shirt, pants with chain, tie, vest, socks, and suspenders is $450 (and likely a little marked up).

I had never organized a project with her until this one. I subsequently did one for Gordon Gekko from Wall Street, where the maximum cost (10-14 sets) is only $300 + shipping. The custom printing from that set on the tie and pants only adds a small amount to the cost for everyone.

Since I do sew and have studied pattern making, I think she is anticipating a lot more time than usual in working out his coat. The Joker for example is all standard patterns with some specific design details, so while it's a lot of stuff, an experienced tailor like her was 85% of the way there before the project was even suggested. She also mentioned sourcing a proper fabric that truly replicates that of the film.

Also you always want your estimates to be a price ceiling. People get upset if asked to unexpectedly pay more and are pleasantly surprised when ultimately able to pay less. Since I haven't worked with her, I don't know how close her estimates are to the final cost on projects with complex pieces like K's coat with no standard pattern. I'm really hoping she can give us lower prices. I'm sure we'd all feel better if this were under $500. I will definitely try to discuss this with ehr when we get the tentative final number.
Re: ACCEPTING DEPOSITS for 'K' Blade Runner 2049 outfit by Yunsil / Toribox [Due Jan

Is there anyone making accessories for this yet? Blaster, shoes, maybe the eye scanner and emanator...?
Re: ACCEPTING DEPOSITS for 'K' Blade Runner 2049 outfit by Yunsil / Toribox [Due Jan

Bumping it back up. Two great artists making heads has to have others interested. Let's get that price lowered lol.