ALL SETS SHIPPED! [CLOSED] 'K' Blade Runner 2049 outfit by Yunsil / Toribox

Custom One-Sixth Figures Forum

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A reminder that if you can pay your deposit sooner rather than later, please do so.

Deposits allow us to eliminate the higher-priced scenarios. Likely even more people get on board as the estimated final cost falls, so you may save yourself money in the longrun by paying a deposit early.
Is there a specific deadline for accepting deposits?

Yes, please the first post.

Does the final price include the outfit AND headsculpt?

No, the headsculpt is a separate purchase. Also there is no final price yet because the final price is dependent on the number of people who pay deposits.
Deposit sent, this set will be amazing and I couldn't pass up. Really hope we get more people on though so the price won't be so painful. Can't wait thanks for getting this going.