Batman:Arkham Batman-2/20/2012 Finished

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Re: Batman:Arkham City PICS up pg 16- 11/10/2011 Ordering Ready

Turned out pretty well. I sadly am going to have to drop from the list at this time though, I simply don't (and likely won't) have the money for a while, just too much hitting at once :/. Grats to those who are able to pick him up though.
Re: Batman:Arkham City PICS up pg 16- 11/10/2011 Ordering Ready

Looking great. I can't believe I am saying this, but I agree, he needs more junk in his trunks :lol And yeah, the cape needs to be slighly longer. His cape did drag on the ground when you were just standing still or walking.

And the headsculpt does need some more work. You ought to look into having the head seperate from the neck of the cowl to allow him some head movement. The face doesn't look much like the game's likeness and the ears are a bit too long I think. But the suit is mindblowing!
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Re: Batman:Arkham City PICS up pg 16- 11/10/2011 Ordering Ready

if some of the noted issues are fixed and the figure is delayed a bit more, I will likely have the funds then for it as well, so I would be back in.
Re: Batman:Arkham City PICS up pg 16- 11/10/2011 Ordering Ready

Tesio no disrespect but your off list as you wished. Thanks for reconsidering though.

Guys I'm selling that batman in the picture it is our first proto type if no one wants wait 3 weeks, pm me asking $45 more for him and you can have it by as early as next week, BE the first to own the first one, not much more to be first to get it in your display case.. One thing though... There wont be batarang till after because we are making mold for it... Everyone who had sent deposit for there's, there will be some corrections buttmunch had mentioned...

Oh and comes with extra set if hands besides fist hands.
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Re: Batman:Arkham City PICS up pg 16- 11/10/2011 Ordering Ready

Wish I had known about this bad boy sooner! If you ever have an opening on the list, I'd love to get in on this guy.

Many thanks.
Re: Batman:Arkham City PICS up pg 16- 11/10/2011 Ordering Ready

Nice job on that suit Moe! The few corrections the fellas mentioned would definitely step this up a notch!
Re: Batman:Arkham City PICS up pg 16- 11/10/2011 Ordering Ready

Nice job on that suit Moe! The few corrections the fellas mentioned would definitely step this up a notch!

Thanks Mag...Yes we are making them corrections for the Orders. That is the proto-type First one which I am selling now here if no one wants to wait...

Wish I had known about this bad boy sooner! If you ever have an opening on the list, I'd love to get in on this guy.

Many thanks.
Thanks...I have the Proto-type on sale Ready to Ship.
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Re: Batman:Arkham City PICS up pg 16- 11/10/2011 Ordering Ready

Well if changes are being made, i just want to throw my opinion in here. The BIG things I see is that the head looks too large, the cape needs to be fixed, the abs lowered, and the crotch filled out more. A really nice addition would be the addition of articulation to the head so he can look down. Anyway I did a quick, crappy paintover, I hope it helps. I really think if nothing else making the head a bit smaller will fix a lot of what makes this figure look off to me.

Re: Batman:Arkham City PICS up pg 16- 11/10/2011 Ordering Ready

Batman's looking good to me Moe. But sadly, I will have to ask you to remove me from you list for him. It just costs too much for me right now. I'm having to scramble to get my daughter the one big Christmas present she wants. :gah:

So, Batman and Robin will have to wait.

I can at least enjoy the pictures of it and its progress, along with Robin. Keep up the great work! :wave
Re: Batman:Arkham City PICS up pg 16- 11/10/2011 Ordering Ready

Well if changes are being made, i just want to throw my opinion in here. The BIG things I see is that the head looks too large, the cape needs to be fixed, the abs lowered, and the crotch filled out more. A really nice addition would be the addition of articulation to the head so he can look down. Anyway I did a quick, crappy paintover, I hope it helps. I really think if nothing else making the head a bit smaller will fix a lot of what makes this figure look off to me.


Agreed! The heads needs a re-do anyway so making it slightly smaller would also make a huge improvement! That and the crotch are the only real issues I see at the moment, and the crotch is a very easy fix I think (though sadly not so easy in 1:1 :lol ).
Re: Batman:Arkham City PICS up pg 16- 11/10/2011 Ordering Ready

I'll see what we can do about the cowl... Al already addressed the other issues and they will be done upon delivery.
Re: Batman:Arkham City PICS up pg 16- 11/10/2011 Ordering Ready

Good News! We are making the corrections you asked, but I need for those who sent deposit for there figures to wait one extra week for us to make those corrections to your figure... If you prefer not to wait and keep regular time frame we told you, then we send as pictured only fixing crotch area and longer cape!

Now for the best part... We are shrinking the head some and also seperating the cowl from the neck so you can move up, down and side to side with no problem. And also tiny bit of change on shoulders.

Thanks and please let me know you'd thoughts
Thanks for all
Re: Batman:Arkham City PICS up pg 16- 11/10/2011 Ordering Ready

I am more than happy to wait a little while longer to have the figure be better :rock
Re: Batman:Arkham City PICS up pg 16- 11/10/2011 Ordering Ready

Hey Moe, deposit sent. I would like the version Buttmunch is requesting. Let me know when you see it.

Also, put me down as interested in a full Arkham Robin figure.

Re: Batman:Arkham City PICS up pg 16- 11/10/2011 Ordering Ready

nice looking figure,i have to wonder if the sideshow version can compete with this,after the alterations i dont see how much better anyone can make it,if only there was enough money to afford everything,:gah: