Brandon Routh - Super Man returns - Proto update

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Re: Brandon Routh - Super Man returns by WW /Update

Only thing that looks off to me now is the slightly too large mouth. But it's definitely coming along. :)
Re: Brandon Routh - Super Man returns by WW/ WIP

I wonder if the face inset a bit too narrow... But that might just be the lighting!

As its a WIP alterations are possible...

Just a paint tried out using the software 14241461_10210576032624941_8607381489428600614_o.jpg
Re: Brandon Routh - Super Man returns by WW/ WIP

Would be cool to see a few more angles, but it looks good to me from that one.
Re: Brandon Routh - Super Man returns by WW/ WIP

looking good! though i think a tad smaller forehead and round off his right side of his hair to rid of the squareness :)
Re: Brandon Routh - Super Man returns by WW/ WIP

please add me to the list!

if you could make this fit the man of steel neck/body that would be awesome.
Re: Brandon Routh - Super Man returns by WW/ WIP

The MOS head and body are a bit oversized for my taste, especially for Routh. I'd rather they aim for a head size more in the BvS range, and that can be used on the original SR figure for those who have it.
Re: Brandon Routh - Super Man returns by WW/ WIP

agreed! plus Routh is no/was no where near the size of Cavill. He's taller but did not have the mass that Cavill has. Regular size is just fine for this. Not to mention, an MOS body will cost upwards of $100
Re: Brandon Routh - Super Man returns by WW/ WIP

The MOS head and body are a bit oversized for my taste, especially for Routh. I'd rather they aim for a head size more in the BvS range, and that can be used on the original SR figure for those who have it.

the MOS head and the BVS heads are the same size. its the MOS big hair that makes it look bigger.

the original hot toys SR figures are awesome, but that body is tiny compaired to what hot toys makes now. i'd really like a routh superman that can stand with the cavill and reeve superman and not look tiny on that 15 year old hot toys body. :)
Re: Brandon Routh - Super Man returns by WW/ WIP

agreed! plus Routh is no/was no where near the size of Cavill. He's taller but did not have the mass that Cavill has. Regular size is just fine for this. Not to mention, an MOS body will cost upwards of $100

look at that pic in the first post of routh's shoulders. really need a MOS body to get that look.

maybe a heavily modified ttm 19 body might work. but i think only the chest would work for routh. need different legs and shoulders. and routh has a long abdominal area. the MOS torso would be perfect for this.

but anyway, just my 2 cents....:)
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Re: Brandon Routh - Super Man returns by WW/ WIP

the MOS head and the BVS heads are the same size. its the MOS big hair that makes it look bigger.

the original hot toys SR figures are awesome, but that body is tiny compaired to what hot toys makes now. i'd really like a routh superman that can stand with the cavill and reeve superman and not look tiny on that 15 year old hot toys body. :)

Yeah I agree that original SR body is pretty crappy, which is why I've actually made some mods to mine (replacing the arms, making him taller, and bulking him up in different places). But even so, the MOS body still strikes me as a bit too tall and bulky for Routh. And I have to wonder if the suit would even fit over it that well.

I've seen some mods done with the Reeve body, and it seems like that would probably be a better option.
Re: Brandon Routh - Super Man returns by WW/ WIP

No, the MOS body would be totally wrong for Routh. I think the way to go is the original suit on either a TTM19 or a Reev body.

...might also maybe work on a Sideshow Superman body actually.
Re: Brandon Routh - Super Man returns by WW/ WIP

I've tried a TTM19 body and unfortunately the chest isn't nearly big enough. It makes him look like a skinny 13 year old wearing the suit.