Classic Predator P1 Conversion Kit ** PAINTED KITS SOLD OUT **

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Re: Hot Toys New Classic Predator to P1 Conversion Kit HUGE UPDATE POST 148!

Looking awesome GREG!!!
Re: Hot Toys New Classic Predator to P1 Conversion Kit HUGE UPDATE POST 148!

this is looking better and better
Re: Hot Toys New Classic Predator to P1 Conversion Kit HUGE UPDATE POST 148!

Is it too late to get on the list? I want a painted and strung kit please.
Re: Hot Toys New Classic Predator to P1 Conversion Kit HUGE UPDATE POST 148!

Hey guys - Shots of the mold masters and the new necklace sculpt. I think you'll see the bones are a lot closer to what was on screen than the HT version.

Prop pic:








Amazing! Cant wait for this! Also wanted to let you know the package arrived at my mom in laws. Going to pick it up this weekend.
Re: Hot Toys New Classic Predator to P1 Conversion Kit HUGE UPDATE POST 148!

Can I also be added to the list for a unpainted set. Can't wait to see the spine trophy. Great Job Creg.
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Re: Hot Toys New Classic Predator to P1 Conversion Kit HUGE UPDATE POST 148!

can i please get on the list for a painted & strung set?!
Re: Hot Toys New Classic Predator to P1 Conversion Kit HUGE UPDATE POST 148!

If you guys have second thoughts of getting this figure . watch my HD Vid . I can't wait for The CONVERSION KIT!!!!!!!

Re: Hot Toys New Classic Predator to P1 Conversion Kit HUGE UPDATE POST 148!

Sweet! I feel like the thread still might be a little too thick, though. And as long as I'm nitpicking...the necklace might benefit from being separate pieces?
Re: Hot Toys New Classic Predator to P1 Conversion Kit HUGE UPDATE POST 148!

Is it time for number 37's order yet???? :(

Looking awesome. I take it that there will be directions for attaching the leather pouch? Also, how is the armor hose going to attach to the gauntlet? I see a hole for the hinge that I'm guessing something could be fabricated to go in there.
Re: Hot Toys New Classic Predator to P1 Conversion Kit HUGE UPDATE POST 148!

Sweet! I feel like the thread still might be a little too thick, though. And as long as I'm nitpicking...the necklace might benefit from being separate pieces?

The thread is a 1 mm leather cord in brown. The actual prop was a rawhide cord. I don't like thread because of fraying and it wasn't a rope anyway.

I can try .5 MM but in 1:1that would make the actual cord 3 mm and I believe it would have been larger than that. My other concern with the .5 is breakage.

On the necklace. It is in 3 parts - the outer bones are loose. I would have loved to make is all separate pieces but the time it would have taken to get a casting out without any air bubbles with parts that small and drill out each individual piece... There is no way I would have the time to do it and it would effect the cost greatly.
Re: Hot Toys New Classic Predator to P1 Conversion Kit HUGE UPDATE POST 148!

Wow, looks fine!

Thank you.

Is it time for number 37's order yet???? :(

Looking awesome. I take it that there will be directions for attaching the leather pouch? Also, how is the armor hose going to attach to the gauntlet? I see a hole for the hinge that I'm guessing something could be fabricated to go in there.

:lol - no worries. This will be like the Wayne thread. First paid first served because it is not fair IMO to make #63 wait if it takes #62 an extra week to pay. Seeing that it was an interest list only the actual paid orders will be listed in order when converted to the sales thread later today.

There is a hole there but you will have to use a small dab of super glue. I am trying to get it to attach a little tighter so hopefully glue is not needed.
Re: Hot Toys New Classic Predator to P1 Conversion Kit HUGE UPDATE POST 148!

Looks like I'll have to be keeping an eye out for when the payment info comes up.