Re: Hot Toys New Classic Predator to P1 Conversion Kit HUGE UPDATE POST 148!
Looking awesome GREG!!!
Looking awesome GREG!!!
Hey guys - Shots of the mold masters and the new necklace sculpt. I think you'll see the bones are a lot closer to what was on screen than the HT version.
Prop pic:
List updated.
Fully kit'ed Pred pics this weekend with orders starting Monday. Still working on retexturing the bicep armor.
Sweet! I feel like the thread still might be a little too thick, though. And as long as I'm nitpicking...the necklace might benefit from being separate pieces?
Wow, looks fine!
Is it time for number 37's order yet????
Looking awesome. I take it that there will be directions for attaching the leather pouch? Also, how is the armor hose going to attach to the gauntlet? I see a hole for the hinge that I'm guessing something could be fabricated to go in there.