Unfortunately delayed. Unless you want the next batch for them both to ship together. I believe he was going to try it without but I have not heard news of that yet.
If it worked then that no worries. I'll let you know.
I don't mind if it's delayed, I prefer to have them shipped together.
You just made KoBE's day! :lol
I don't get it. What do you mean? :dunno
Not at all...
Shooting for the weekend. Still in the chest pretty thick. Good news though! My casters replacements came in sooner than expected. and the next 4 sets are cast :yess:
Hi Creg,
I would be interested in a painted and strung kit.
Is it still possible to be added to the list?
I'll make the payment as soon as I get my figure.
Yep - r u making another list yet?