Custom Bane from batman and Deathstroke Head sculpts

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I'm working on a Maximum Aggression based Steel - I really like the body and I think its the perfect size for bane.... only issue I have is the feel - how are you planning to work around your. On my Steel I'm using the vinyl kit ankle armour and still considering whether to use the feet from that, or to do some serious frankensteining to swap in the true type ankle assembly and some other feet/boots under it.
Ha! I just bought a MA Undertaker to do the same thing! The head will save me a ton of time, especially if it includes tubes/ venom control unit!

Put me down for one... Possibly painted depending on final pics. :)

How much larger are the maximum aggression figures compared to kaustic plastk herioc body. I ask because if I make a Bane I'm want him huge. Would a 12" rotocast Hulk work for Bane?

edit- I'm interested in a Bane pending I find a huge body that I like.
Bane and Deathstroke heads will be removed from the molds tomorrow morning. Here are the parts I will be using for mine. I bought clear tubing from Tap Plastics and I have the yellow tubing coming from eBay soon. The Titian/Venom control unit I will be using comes from the sigma six Cobra Commander axe that I cut away. I can cast it if anyone is interested and ask $48 shipped for tubing, a head, and the control unit. The side of the control unit will be sanded and cleaned up before I cast the piece. Let me know what you guys want from me :)
