Custom Bane from batman and Deathstroke Head sculpts

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This site may earn a commission from merchant affiliate links, including eBay, Amazon, and others. name doesn't appear to be on the list. Put me down for a Bane head with venom unit please. :)

Also- Where would I go about finding the navy seal pants like yours? I am also using the Undertaker Maximum Aggression body... Will the tank top fit well with it?


Pants I used came from this set. The pants are large and fit a aggression body well and I dont think it would look good on a smaller body...
Hey man, any chance of you doing a Blood Strike? Lets get the Image bad boy done and we'll have all three universes incarnations of the masked super assassin.
hey are the Bane HS coming along?...were you able to take care of that problem they were giving you?
Well I got my taker body for Bane. Did some mods to it to be able to position the arms a bit better and then cleaned of the tatoos.
How're these coming? Got my dp head too btw. Looks amazing. Love it and can't wait for these two.
How're these coming? Got my dp head too btw. Looks amazing. Love it and can't wait for these two.

I made a new mold and they are coming out better. The problems I face is that the zipper on top and the tube connections on the back will get air pockets and if they dont get air pockets there is a seam line where the mold meets. On top of that the weather has been great and my family owns a full service car wash which I run so I have been working from 8 to 7 every day give or take a few hours.

Knowing these factors come up is the reason I dont ask for money for these heads until I have them ready to go. I dont want anyone thinking I am ripping them off. :peace

I should have a few, maybe 5 by Monday ready to ship. Deathstroke is a very easy head to cast so I will probably have all of those ready to go soon
I made a new mold and they are coming out better. The problems I face is that the zipper on top and the tube connections on the back will get air pockets and if they dont get air pockets there is a seam line where the mold meets. On top of that the weather has been great and my family owns a full service car wash which I run so I have been working from 8 to 7 every day give or take a few hours.

Knowing these factors come up is the reason I dont ask for money for these heads until I have them ready to go. I dont want anyone thinking I am ripping them off. :peace

I should have a few, maybe 5 by Monday ready to ship. Deathstroke is a very easy head to cast so I will probably have all of those ready to go soon
take your time your sculpts are worth the wait.
ash i need a venom unit also, thanks to go along with the bane :)
i REALLY like that you don't ask for money until they are ready to go...unfortunately its a lesson that alot of us (including myself) need to practice...but i won't get into that....not now...or ever in this thread as long as you keep by your word...:)...can't wait to get this headsculpt from you...:)
Hey thats cool, take your time. Honestly, I wouldn't worry about the seam line to much. Unless your doing the

Question: Are the tube connections holes or pegs? It sounds like the they're pegs and holes would suffice. Just a thought.
Hey thats cool, take your time. Honestly, I wouldn't worry about the seam line to much. Unless your doing the

Question: Are the tube connections holes or pegs? It sounds like the they're pegs and holes would suffice. Just a thought.

For the tube connections on the back of the head I made 2 round buttons I guess you can call it. If you chose to use the tubes I send you will need to drill 2 holes and slide the tube in.
Could you possibly mold the connectors separately, sparring yourself the bubble issues with the head and perhaps just mark the spots on the head where they go? My thinking is your driver yourself crazy over something that could be done a different way. I have some experience with bubbles and I know how maddening it can be.
Could you possibly mold the connectors separately, sparring yourself the bubble issues with the head and perhaps just mark the spots on the head where they go? My thinking is your driver yourself crazy over something that could be done a different way. I have some experience with bubbles and I know how maddening it can be.

I hear what you are saying but that will create more work. I figured out how to do it now. I pour a small amount of resin 2 times the amount needed to make a head. I stir it really slowly not to create tiny air pockets and I fill the mold all the way and turn it upside down while hitting my wrists together to loosen air pockets if there is any. Then I turn it upright and tap my wrists again. I open the mold a smidge and pour the rest of the resin in and the put it in the small cup that I used to create the mold to hold it together. Tomorrow morning I see how that worked out. If it doesn't work I will take the tube connectors off and make a new mold or just sand them off and go to Osh and find something else to use????????