Custom Bane from batman and Deathstroke Head sculpts

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Well I got a black tank top for my Bane but man I tell you it is no picnic putting it on that Aggression Taker body. I ended up with two small tears and was almost certain I was gonna bust the damn Still looks pretty sweet though.
Well I got a black tank top for my Bane but man I tell you it is no picnic putting it on that Aggression Taker body. I ended up with two small tears and was almost certain I was gonna bust the damn Still looks pretty sweet though.

You could have removed the arms. They pop up easily just below the elbow ;-)
Honestly though, with that body the elbow wouldn't seem to help much. He's so bulky and his elbows are really far from his torso.
I'd really see about getting the thread name changed to maybe "Custom Bane and Deathstroke," the thread title gets cut off on the main page and the first thing that pops into my head is "Custom Bane from Batman and Robin." Not good for business if you ask me.:lol
I'd really see about getting the thread name changed to maybe "Custom Bane and Deathstroke," the thread title gets cut off on the main page and the first thing that pops into my head is "Custom Bane from Batman and Robin." Not good for business if you ask me.:lol

Are you using a 12 inch monitor or something :dunno because it all shows up on mine. Even longer titles show up. A larger monitor is better for business if you ask me LOL JK just giving you crap.:wink1:
I was just kidding, it really did cut off though. From the main page it said "Custom Bane from batman and..." Honestly though, the sculpts are great and the figure is shaping up nicely, keep it up! :hi5:
Well I got my boots and hands for my Deathstroke. Did a custom Slade head and now I'm anxiously awaiting the masked head. Just
I hear ya man, I've been gathering pieces for my Deathstroke also, still experimenting with the outfit to get the look I want (classic DS).
Guys, I want to apologize for the what might seem as me lagging. My family owns a full service car wash and I run it. The last 9 Days have been the busiest it has ever been since we opened 6 years ago. I had all my employees working with plenty of OT and I still needed 3-4 more people. My 61 year old dad was even cleaning cars in the heat. Its supposed to rain this week so that crazy will slow down but will restarted next once the rain clears.

With that said I have plenty of Bane and Deathstroke heads ready to go out Thursday. I Say Thursday because I have to go to Tap Plastics to get my clear hoses. I will accept $$$ Wednesday :)
Guys, I want to apologize for the what might seem as me lagging. My family owns a full service car wash and I run it. The last 9 Days have been the busiest it has ever been since we opened 6 years ago. I had all my employees working with plenty of OT and I still needed 3-4 more people. My 61 year old dad was even cleaning cars in the heat. Its supposed to rain this week so that crazy will slow down but will restarted next once the rain clears.

With that said I have plenty of Bane and Deathstroke heads ready to go out Thursday. I Say Thursday because I have to go to Tap Plastics to get my clear hoses. I will accept $$$ Wednesday :)

Thank you Ashkan :)
I see from the first post some have already paid and been shipped, what's the pay pal we send to?
I see from the first post some have already paid and been shipped, what's the pay pal we send to?

I would like to know this too! I've been ready since signing up... just tell me where to send it! :)

I would like to know this too! I've been ready since signing up... just tell me where to send it! :)


You can all pay me Wednesday and I can ship Thursday. Some of those people already had my email and one of them actually visited me and got it. Everyone that wants one will get these heads, promise. There wont be a 10 head limit.
Probably not the easiest way of doing this but I have 5 heads ready to go for Bane and 4 Deathstrokes. First people to PM me gets them and I will ship later today or Thursday as I have to go to Tap Plastics for the tubing. I will finish off the list and make a few extra by next week. Thanks guys.

sallah just paid. That leaves 4 Bane heads
agonistes86. 3 Bane heads
Levit05 paid. 2 Banes heads remain.

Jack D. Deathstroke head
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