Custom Bane from batman and Deathstroke Head sculpts

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Payment sent. I accidentally tabbed through it before getting my addy info complete.
Dan Wallert
709 S 13 St.
Olivia MN 56277.
Can't wait!!
Probably not the easiest way of doing this but I have 5 heads ready to go for Bane and 4 Deathstrokes. First people to PM me gets them and I will ship later today or Thursday as I have to go to Tap Plastics for the tubing. I will finish off the list and make a few extra by next week. Thanks guys.

sallah just paid. That leaves 4 Bane heads
agonistes86. 3 Bane heads
Levit05 paid. 2 Banes heads remain.

Jack D. Deathstroke head

I only have one Deathstroke left at the moment.

I have 4 Bane heads sitting next to me that are almost done (just patching up) along with 2 Deadpool 2.0, 2 Deadpool 3.0, and 3 Deathstrokes.

Im leaving the house in 30 min to get more tubing and then I will ship everything today.
Thanks to the rain I got 2 Walter Whites done today and was able to paint the Bane. It is a wip, I might cut the legs down as its about 1/2 inch to tall and the neck........


For my Death Stroke I'm planning on using brown leather instead of orange. To me, it just seems like a good comic to real world translation. Any thoughts?
I really like your design but I've only got 1 thor shirt. Thinkin Ill do the sleeves but might skip the torso. Not sure yet tho.
Quick are you gonna do the head? Black and brown or are you gonna do orange on the head?
Whoever wants any of these parts please go ahead and send me a PM:
Bane head sculpt
Venom Unit
Deathstroke head sculpt
Deadpool 2.0 or 3.0 head sculpt
Deadpool buckles and harness elastic.

Custom Bane almost complete. I just need another belt to fill the back since it was short. Glow in the dark paint in the tubes. Looks cool with a small amount of light on.

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Looks awesome.. If you can source the DC Direct Batman Beyond belt, it looks a close match to Bane's.
Looks awesome.. If you can source the DC Direct Batman Beyond belt, it looks a close match to Bane's.

You are correct! But I dont want to drop $50 on the figure as Im sure the belts have dried up on eBay if there ever was any. That belt cost me $4.00 at
I read your post wrong (just read that you needed another belt :/). That belt is great for Bane too though! May have to pick one up.