I can't wait to have my heads.
I can't wait to have my heads.
Payment sent. I accidentally tabbed through it before getting my addy info complete.
Dan Wallert
709 S 13 St.
Olivia MN 56277.
Can't wait!!
Probably not the easiest way of doing this but I have 5 heads ready to go for Bane and 4 Deathstrokes. First people to PM me gets them and I will ship later today or Thursday as I have to go to Tap Plastics for the tubing. I will finish off the list and make a few extra by next week. Thanks guys.
sallah just paid. That leaves 4 Bane heads
agonistes86. 3 Bane heads
Levit05 paid. 2 Banes heads remain.
Jack D. Deathstroke head
For my Death Stroke I'm planning on using brown leather instead of orange. To me, it just seems like a good comic to real world translation. Any thoughts?
Looks awesome.. If you can source the DC Direct Batman Beyond belt, it looks a close match to Bane's.
Captain action spiderman belt?
I'm using the same