Head sculpture Evil Dead 2: Dead By Dawn - "Angry/Aggressive" Ash Head Sculpt [PAINTED CLOSED/UNPAINTED STILL OPEN]

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Also, I’ve updated the title of the project. As you will see, we are now closing the option for painted and leaving unpainted option open for those who still want to join in on the project.

This turned out so well I think I might want to add an unpainted head to my order. We'll never see another Ash head like this.
This turned out so well I think I might want to add an unpainted head to my order. We'll never see another Ash head like this.
I agree with this statement so much!!

I don’t think many sculptors want to tackle expressions like this. But it goes to show you the dedication and patience that Waruna has on something like this.

I appreciate this sculpt more than anyone will ever know because this is how I see Ash in my mind’s eye; He’s pissed off and willing to take on any deadite. A true bad-ass hero with a chainsaw!

I can definitely add the unpainted one for you if you’re interested.
You guys extended your support a lot for me and least I could do is trying out. Im glad you guys liking it. Its just a time consuming process other than that this is very interesting project.
You deserve all the support in the world mate, you've made my dream come true, all I've wanted since I was around 10 was to own an amazing 1/6 ash from evil dead 2 and you're heads are the last piece of the puzzle and the most important part I reckon, Seriously man thank you
Ive done couple of try outs with this and this is what I like and ended up with. If you guys like to have the painted version of this you can send the balance payments and for those who wants unpainted please send the unpainted balance. For Painted ETA will be 3 to four months and for unpainted Ill be able to ship out next month end or early Sept. Ill need to get a better magnifier for painting his teeth lol. this is one of the hardest sculpts Ive painted so far.



Im doing the final work on the protype paint and will share the photos soon.
When you get a chance, can you please post a couple more pics of the painted sculpt? Maybe one where he’s “looking” directly into the camera and maybe one straight on from a lower angel?
The devil is in the details my friend! Despite the challenges of this sculpt, I think you just about got it!
It could be me or the lighting, but there’s something just a tad off with the eyes that I’m having a devil of a time trying to put my finger on. Maybe it’s the whites of the eyes or something? I know this wasn’t easy to paint that’s for sure.
I did some quick fixes on the most recent photo and one from before. Let me know everyone’s thoughts. (My apologies to Waruna as he seen the second photo.)
Ive done couple of try outs with this and this is what I like and ended up with. If you guys like to have the painted version of this you can send the balance payments and for those who wants unpainted please send the unpainted balance. For Painted ETA will be 3 to four months and for unpainted Ill be able to ship out next month end or early Sept. Ill need to get a better magnifier for painting his teeth lol. this is one of the hardest sculpts Ive painted so far.

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I think its just his pupils. The bottom lid of his eyes should be covering more of his pupil (iris) for this expression
I think its just his pupils. The bottom lid of his eyes should be covering more of his pupil (iris) for this expression
Yeah, kind of like the screen caps I have on the first page.
I know there wasn’t much discussion about it here. I had talked with K.Bowen about the iris placement and he and I thought there was more “posability” with the headsculpt if the irises were more straight forward rather than looking down.
Plus with the eyes looking straight forward, I felt, brought out the anger in the sculpt. I showed Waruna the second image as a note to try.
Also, I’ll be sending my payment on Friday. 👍🏻
Yeah. I think while adding the gloss coat somewhat black went in to the white areas. It happened to the teeth too. For iris placement are you saying to apply looking downwards?
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If I pay the remaining balance for my 2 sculpts (painted and unpainted) should I also add the $25 for shipping or will it be more to ship 2 sculpts together? Don't bother sending 2 separate shipments, I can wait to have the unpainted sent once the painted version is complete.
If I pay the remaining balance for my 2 sculpts (painted and unpainted) should I also add the $25 for shipping or will it be more to ship 2 sculpts together? Don't bother sending 2 separate shipments, I can wait to have the unpainted sent once the painted version is complete.

If shipped as one package only $25 bro. I can send 500g for $25 via DHL
Yeah. I think while adding the gloss coat somewhat black went in to the white areas. It happened to the teeth too. For iris placement are you saying to apply looking downwards?
Gotcha, that makes sense as to why the eyes seemed a bit off.
So what’s everyone’s consensus regarding the iris placement?
In the screenshots on the first post shows Ash looking down slightly, which I believe Sarah 77 was referring to.
K.Bowen and I felt the looking straight forward would have more posabilty with the figure as a whole.
My apologies for repeating myself, just trying to help clarify any confusion.
I would like to hear from others.

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