GalactiCustoms! New Paint Tutorial- Mixing Skin Tones!!!

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Re: GalactiCustoms! ☢ McQueen ☢ They Live ☢ Thulsa ☢ Batman ☢ Capt A ☢ Skeletor WIP

Great looking Bond !
Re: GalactiCustoms! ☢ McQueen ☢ They Live ☢ Thulsa ☢ Batman ☢ Capt A ☢ Skeletor WIP

Thanks man, it's an incredible sculpt... very clean and just fun to paint.
Re: GalactiCustoms! ☢ McQueen ☢ They Live ☢ Thulsa ☢ Batman ☢ Capt A ☢ Skeletor WIP

Damn that Bond looks snazzy!

And I am horrified to admit it because it brings back memories of the Crystal Skull, but I see Laboof in that Ford sculpt. Eww.

Excellent paints as usual! I need to get Ben to you, been busy and slacking on stuff :(
Re: GalactiCustoms! ☢ McQueen ☢ They Live ☢ Thulsa ☢ Batman ☢ Capt A ☢ Skeletor WIP

Agreed, get off your duff and send over Kenobi :lecture I have another one en-route, so that makes it's nice to do two at the same time (like chicks).

And not sure about seeing LaDouche in the Ford sculpt, but I won't judge you for any personal demons :lol
Re: GalactiCustoms! ☢ McQueen ☢ They Live ☢ Thulsa ☢ Batman ☢ Capt A ☢ Skeletor WIP

I have no idea what Westworld is and now I need to go find out. And LaFette is just awesome.

Amazing work. This thread is a joy to go through.
Re: Galactiboy's Customs and Kitbashes of Terror!!! Mumm-Ra 2.0 WIP!!!

A few more finished up and nearly finished up projects.

First up a different Craig Bond... I belive this is the Andy Bergholtz sculpt which I belief was one of, if not the first Craig head :huh




Inigou's incredible Pierce Bronsan Bond, a real joy to paint:




Another Ben Kenobi... still fun 7 or 8 repaints later :lol


Mando's ESB Han Solo; not 100% done, but close.


And my first ever Heath Ledger Joker... this is going for the heavier shiny make-up look from the nurse sequence:
(MRM sculpt w/hair- neck removed and painted)

Re: GalactiCustoms! ☢ McQueen ☢ They Live ☢ Thulsa ☢ ESB Han ☢ Bronan ☢ HL Joker!

Nice update ;) Really like your Ben Kenobi=)
Re: GalactiCustoms! ☢ McQueen ☢ They Live ☢ Thulsa ☢ ESB Han ☢ Bronan ☢ HL Joker!

Great stuff, GB, love those bbkill deckard and Craig bond especially. :duff
Re: GalactiCustoms! ☢ McQueen ☢ They Live ☢ Thulsa ☢ ESB Han ☢ Bronan ☢ HL Joker!

Thanks Elar :duff

And yeah, Marf those BBKill sculpts are incredible. I hope to paint more of his work and I'm very tempted by his upcoming Connery Bond.
Re: GalactiCustoms! ☢ They Live ☢ Thulsa ☢ ESB Han ☢ Bronan ☢ HL Joker ☢ Venkman v2

Got a few heads in the works, but just finished up the v2 of Snyderman's Peter Venkman for my own figure... I haven't weathered the outfit yet, but once I do that and attach the elbow pads he'll be done. Another really fantastic sculpt from Snyderman :rock




Re: GalactiCustoms! ☢ They Live ☢ Thulsa ☢ ESB Han ☢ Bronan ☢ HL Joker ☢ Venkman v2

nice venkman! great sculpt and paint!
Re: GalactiCustoms! ☢ They Live ☢ Thulsa ☢ ESB Han ☢ Bronan ☢ HL Joker ☢ Venkman v2

Thanks 8-Bit :rock

Here's a quick WIP of my current projects... pretty SW heavy this week :lol

Re: GalactiCustoms! ☢ They Live ☢ Thulsa ☢ ESB Han ☢ Bronan ☢ HL Joker ☢ Venkman v2

Damn fine updates, GB :clap
Re:GalactiCustoms! ☢ They Live ☢ Thulsa ☢ Brosnan ☢ Venkman v2 ☢ Dr. Pretorius

Thanks Chase :duff

Here's a slightly tweaked image of Bond... darker eyes and few touch-ups. And kind of an oddball sculpt; Dr. Pretorius from Bride of Frankenstein.



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Re: GalactiCustoms! ☢ They Live ☢ Thulsa ☢ Brosnan ☢ Venkman v2 ☢ Dr. Pretorius

So close on Boddicker... got in the excellent pullover from Tinela Ayres and the M65 jacket set from ACI.

Re: GalactiCustoms! ☢ They Live ☢ Thulsa ☢ Brosnan ☢ Venkman v2 ☢ Dr. Pretorius

So close on Boddicker... got in the excellent pullover from Tinela Ayres and the M65 jacket set from ACI.

Looks spot on man! Great job puttung him all together
Re: GalactiCustoms! ☢ They Live ☢ Thulsa ☢ Brosnan ☢ Venkman v2 ☢ Dr. Pretorius

Thanks man... Clarence has been on my must-have list since HT's first Robocop. I wish I could have gotten the 2nd Boddicker from Caine, but this one is still very good.
Re: Galactiboy's Customs and Kitbashes of Terror!!! Mumm-Ra 2.0 WIP!!!

Finished up a paint up of Darren Carnell's resculpted of the ROTS Kenobi. It was requested to give him a sweaty and dirty Mustafar appearance.

Now purists will point out that Kenobi's face is shockingly clean in the scenes of Mustafar, and you'd be right. But we're going with some artistic license here :lol





And not that anyone cares... but here's another ANH Kenobi :lol



Re: Galactiboy's Customs and Kitbashes of Terror!!! Mumm-Ra 2.0 WIP!!!

Finished up a paint up of Darren Carnell's resculpted of the ROTS Kenobi. It was requested to give him a sweaty and dirty Mustafar appearance.

Now purists will point out that Kenobi's face is shockingly clean in the scenes of Mustafar, and you'd be right. But we're going with some artistic license here :lol





And not that anyone cares... but here's another ANH Kenobi :lol



Im not familiar with this sculpt do you have a pic of the original....ive heard Darren does resculpts of some heads...ive never seen any though til now. Looks great!
Re: GalactiCustoms! ☢ Thulsa ☢ Dr. Pretorius ☢ Brosnan ☢ Venkman v2 ☢ ROTS Kenobi

I'm aware of 3 Darren did back in the day... Anakin, Legolas and Kenobi. The Legolas is probably my favorite, he really brought the likeness out of the jacked up Sideshow one. Anakin is quite good as well, reduced the manliness of the Sideshow sculpt and made him less idealized... I'm just finishing one of those as well and a stock Anakin, so I'll post both as well.

For his Kenobi, I like certain aspects of what he altered, but honestly prefer the original sculpt for general figures... but I think this one works better for Mustafar.

Here's the original sculpt that I'm also painting:

And Darren's before I weathered it:
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