Imaresqd1 Christian Bale SOLD OUT

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Daaang, how much did you applied ?. Either way, sorry to hear about the recasted head.

But hey, you can take advantage of that sculpt and make a zombie bruce like buttmunch said :p

immersed the HS a few seconds in the thinner, wich by the way is not 100% acetone, in fact is not as strong. But I noticed the HS has a lot of bubbles and the recaster applied a coat of "something" to hide the bubbles.. but when I applied some thinner that "something" fade out. :monkey2 and the bubbles appear.
immersed the HS a few seconds in the thinner, wich by the way is not 100% acetone, in fact is not as strong. But I noticed the HS has a lot of bubbles and the recaster applied a coat of "something" to hide the bubbles.. but when I applied some thinner that "something" fade out. :monkey2 and the bubbles appear.

Sorry to hear that. Poor quality resin :/
I thought you said that this one comes with certificate as well?

Who's the seller that sold this to you, can you tell us his name now? If not, PM Cregcustoms to tell him bout it?
Ok, definitly got a recast, my first paint job went wrong , and applied a bit of thinner to the HS to remove the paint, and look what happened:






The HS literally became dust! :monkey2 .. god... I am so mad... Igues I'll buy a genuine one, so if someone has one for sale.. with CERTIFICATE, not second hand. etc.. please PM.
I thought you said that this one comes with certificate as well?

Who's the seller that sold this to you, can you tell us his name now? If not, PM Cregcustoms to tell him bout it?

No this didn't come with certificate. What I said was the seller told me he forgot to send the certificate with the HS, and he sent it later ( I haven't seen the certificate yet, not even by pictures).

I just sent a PM to Cregcustoms, telling him the name of the seller. I hope we can reach the root of this problem, and post the name of the original recaster in the first post, to prevent people of getting a recast as if it were genuine.
No this didn't come with certificate. What I said was the seller told me he forgot to send the certificate with the HS, and he sent it later ( I haven't seen the certificate yet, not even by pictures).

I just sent a PM to Cregcustoms, telling him the name of the seller. I hope we can reach the root of this problem, and post the name of the original recaster in the first post, to prevent people of getting a recast as if it were genuine.

I'll see what I can find out...

So, is it grey now? You had said it was flesh. If it's grey after the thinner dip then it's def' a recast as I never sold anything other than flesh.
I'll see what I can find out...

So, is it grey now? You had said it was flesh. If it's grey after the thinner dip then it's def' a recast as I never sold anything other than flesh.

here is a more accurate picture. The one I took yesterday was at evening.


The thing is, the HS is some kind of pink flesh color, but over the pink flesh there is a layer of "something" which is something like dark pink flesh tone. The layer of "something" cover several holes, or air bubbles, so at the moment I applied a bit of thinner, some of the exterior layer just started to fade out or starting to remove along with the thinner, making the air bubbles appear.

The good thing is the seller is saying he is going to refund.
Looking for one of these HS, if someone has one for sale, please PM me :gah:
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I havent been following this thread and looking at the number of pages I decided to do a search but I didnt find anything in regards to head sculpt size differences. Anyway today i have received ah_t00t's copy of Bale sculpt for paint job. When i got it in hand I notice it's smaller than the one I got.
Ive taken some pics... the one on the right is mine that i got from Dean (casting spot 45), on the left is ah_t00t's one which is basically the last few casts Dean made which looked slightly smaller. Any official words of the differences in size?



They look the same size to me.. I think the difference is only a color effect. The "smaller" is darker, so... optical effect?