Rainman Artworks - Dracula

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Oh, FFS - that's the third custom figure I've wanted that's come out right smack in December. Why can't they just wait a month? So, so, so annoying!

Merry Christmas!............to Rainman.

Effing :exactly:
I knew it....its like he doesn't really care for his base because he knows that there will be some that will buy it no matter what....damn the holidays....lol...oh well...
Well, this is Rainman year end project. Of course it will happen in December....
So is dec 15 the VIP or general orders? If general then im assuming VIP is a few days earlier

First world problems.

True. But, I'm a big Dracula fan, and I'm not likely to be able to afford it at this time of year. I'm sure there'll be collectors that are made of money - I'm sadly not one of them. I really would've liked the opportunity to have owned it, before it's listed as resell on Ebay for double.
True. But, I'm a big Dracula fan, and I'm not likely to be able to afford it at this time of year. I'm sure there'll be collectors that are made of money - I'm sadly not one of them. I really would've liked the opportunity to have owned it, before it's listed as resell on Ebay for double.

I'm happy for those that will be able to swing for the fences on this.:duff
Sad for those that won't. Looks to be an excellent release.
The question is, if I could only get one...which one? They both look amazing! From the teasers the old man sculpt looks like a screen shot..so realistic.
Rainman is my favorite artist, but I tell myself that I'm fortunate that most of the characters he makes are ones I can fully appreciate, but I dont have to have.
Part of me was hoping this would be the case again on this. Like most of the new posts, the timing of this thing is not optimum.

The bad news, I totaled my car thanksgiving weekend, so I was gonna use most of my funds for a downpayment on a car.
The good news...I've ridden my bike to work for fun before. lol. :yess:
You can tell where my priorities are. :lol
Rainman is my favorite artist, but I tell myself that I'm fortunate that most of the characters he makes are ones I can fully appreciate, but I dont have to have.
Part of me was hoping this would be the case again on this. Like most of the new posts, the timing of this thing is not optimum.

The bad news, I totaled my car thanksgiving weekend, so I was gonna use most of my funds for a downpayment on a car.
The good news...I've ridden my bike to work for fun before. lol. :yess:
You can tell where my priorities are. :lol

i don't even have a car because i can drive with bicycle to work. That fact let me buy more figures :D