Rainman Artworks - Dracula

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So that's just a known thing then?

Because I gotta be honest, finding out that all of our extra-special DX sets with the shiny cards saying they were painted by the man himself were actually just painted by some team of unknowns is real bummer.

And it would also explain why we're now getting 5 figures in a six month period with runs of 50 DX sets, 60 full sets, and who knows how many H&C's, all with less and less unique accessories.


My mind is blown right now.
At least through the Torrance set, Rainman said himself that he was painting the full set and DX heads, plus in that instance, Danny and the Twins. If he didn't do Regan, then something might have changed since then.

However, he has had assistance painting accessories, shoes, etc. for years, on all releases. At least back to the Dude, and probably earlier than that.
Torrance Brown eyes and green eyes is a tell tale sign he did not paint those sculpts. Bill 1 and Anton are the prize catalog figures in my opinion. The figures I admire the most as true art figures sculpted and painted by the mans hands.
He claimed that the paint for the eyes differed because the paint was mixed and possibly cured differently. And that's possible. Certainly, there seemed to be a significant difference between the full sets and H+C sets in terms of how the paint work was handled. So, if he didn't do all the Torrance sculpts, or any of them, then it most likely wasn't Aeon who did.
It wasn't til now, I don't think.

Maybe someone should ask him about this?

Does it really make a difference at this point? It will never be how it used to be. The demand is too great at this point. He sculpts the stuff, but that's about it. It should at least be that the DX editions are painted by him, :dunno but it doesn't appear so. It's a business and with it a lot of unspoken methods. Yup there is no Wizard, just a man and a lot of mechanical levers being pulled......hahahaha.
He still shouldn't be advertising that he's painting full and DX sets if he isn't, though. I'd be ok with it changing but I'd like some transparency here, we are spending $800 on these things.
I mean, when you add up all the evidence, I'm not really sure how to come to any other conclusion.

300 heads????

Realistically that would take an artist how long? Half a year?

I guess I can only speak for myself but this sure feels like the pulling off of the mask to me and I'm really, really kind of bummed right now.

To me, the only thing that makes these figures what they are (works of art) is that they come from the artists hand. I can justify that insane price for "a doll" because I view it as a painting, a sculpture, and a representation of a character or film that I love all rolled into one. Coming to the realization that it's just a bunch of people in a room somewhere turning out a mass-produced commodity just turns it into a less-efficient, harder to order Hot Toys operation.

Not cool. Really not cool.

I guess I can only speak for myself but this sure feels like the pulling off of the mask to me and I'm really, really kind of bummed right now.

To me, the only thing that makes these figures what they are (works of art) is that they come from the artists hand. I can justify that insane price for "a doll" because I view it as a painting, a sculpture, and a representation of a character or film that I love all rolled into one. Coming to the realization that it's just a bunch of people in a room somewhere turning out a mass-produced commodity just turns it into a less-efficient, harder to order Hot Toys operation.

Not cool. Really not cool.

Well put brother, that's exactly how I feel..

As for the paintwork it does seem like Aeon helps out now. Artmaze IG tags her in for example painting pics of Regan and the Demon bust for Priest. She also helped with the pig heads for the Bill 2nd DX so I guess that has been going on for a while anyway.
It would seem that in order to get out the numbers and amounts of the recent and upcoming releases there would need to be a larger operation than just "Aeon helping out".

I'm honestly still stunned by this realization as I think it undermines everything that a Rainman DX or Full Set represented.
I'm not convinced Rainman doesn't still do a good amount of work on these though. Back in the day (2011-2012) he used to get out 30 fullsets in about a month's time. Now the sets have been getting larger than 30 since Anton but so have the wait times. We're looking at 4 months or so when he does these large double releases. If he really had such a large operation now, shouldn't those turnarounds be quicker then too?
He still shouldn't be advertising that he's painting full and DX sets if he isn't, though. I'd be ok with it changing but I'd like some transparency here, we are spending $800 on these things.

100% agree. I was about to see if I can buy my first RM with this Dracula, but if he's not painting, then that's a lot of money to part with. It's art after all - and if the artist is painting, you expect it done by his hand or a lot cheaper if not.

I also see he's not looked at any of the messages regarding a delay until January for poorer collectors like myself.