Rainman Artworks - Dracula

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It shouldn't be I'd call paypal and tell them what's going on,cause on the 25th i bought the fs of the red dracula and had no issues with paying by paypal,which is the same way and sametime as you are trying to pay. Also I'd send a message to Lee and see if he can give you a extension cause of your situation with the site. Sorry to hear about that and hope everything works out for you.

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The only thing that got locked and stayed that way is the clothes set. Lots of back and forth with all FS options on this one
the only set I wanted to see if I could sweep up but never came back up...should tell RM something but I doubt it...he is business (tone) deaf when it comes to certain things
So, with everything being back up for sale (obviously apart from the clothes set), I assume that means a lot of people canceled?
A lot canceled. I had to cancel because I just didn't have the funds since Xmas was here. Hopefully it's still up in 2 weeks and then I can purchase a set.
Ah, fair enough. Does this usually happen with RM stuff, or is it just this Drac?

I'm hoping I'll be able to match the robe fabric when mine gets here because I'd like to give the illusion that it's longer.
cancellations. and no, it isnt normal on most rainman releases... although, due to higher numbers of this run, it makes sense. IMO Lee needs to cut back on edition sizes, get them back to normal and then consider raising prices instead. it cuts out all the half serious collectors who say they're gonna buy to him, but dont ever end up purchasing. So the extra sets he allocated for new customers who say theyll buy, sit un-bought because Lee is making room for more people to own his artwork - who dont even buy in the end. Kind of silly.
From what I've seen, a lot of things don't make complete business sense with RM, but the guy's an artist, I suppose, not an entrepreneur.

I'm glad the clothes sets haven't come back up, because I'd be tempted to get them on top of everything else I've bought, so I could have different scenes/poses.

I've got a nice glass case for this when it arrives - an old laboratory scales case. It just needs sanding and staining, and it'll be great.

He says up to 50 days - what's his usual turnaround time? I'm really looking forward to them.
Hopefully in two weeks sales will still be up and I can grab a set. I saw a lot of people stating the timeframe was bad due to the holidays. I'm sure he will sell all of them when people get funds.
cancellations. and no, it isnt normal on most rainman releases... although, due to higher numbers of this run, it makes sense. IMO Lee needs to cut back on edition sizes, get them back to normal and then consider raising prices instead. it cuts out all the half serious collectors who say they're gonna buy to him, but dont ever end up purchasing. So the extra sets he allocated for new customers who say theyll buy, sit un-bought because Lee is making room for more people to own his artwork - who dont even buy in the end. Kind of silly.


Agree with the edition size cut but not raising the price. I think $860 is the ceiling on this stuff and maybe he should consider just fullsets because the DX sets don't offer any real exclusive accessories that collectors feel they will need. Maybe the overall quality will improve as well. Rainman and Yunsil have really watered down the quality of their product as a result of the increased popularity and that's more business than art.
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So excited!! EPIC MOVIE!

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Hopefully something I want :lol
Agreed, Probably would of got the Victorian H+C set for this if he offered one. Not really liking the hat though or the hair also i think the price on this one was pretty high up there hopefully the next project he will offer H+C sets for both versions and that the price for Full sets DX sets are a little better.
Glad this masterpiece of a movie is receiving the RM treatment :monkey3
Aw come on man, that's not exactly fair to say. Feel what you may about the film but I think the designs are fantastic and his great work on these made it more than worthy of the treatment. On a couple levels, he may have outdid himself on this one.

And remember... different strokes for different folks. I'm sure you have a few wants within your top 10 that could easily be seen as WTF!? choices through the eyes of the next guy

cancellations. and no, it isnt normal on most rainman releases... although, due to higher numbers of this run, it makes sense. IMO Lee needs to cut back on edition sizes, get them back to normal and then consider raising prices instead. it cuts out all the half serious collectors who say they're gonna buy to him, but dont ever end up purchasing. So the extra sets he allocated for new customers who say theyll buy, sit un-bought because Lee is making room for more people to own his artwork - who dont even buy in the end. Kind of silly.

It looks like the way it turned out for the Priest and this, the announced ES aren't really concrete. I suppose that he won't exceed them, but he'll close the PO when the time comes and cap it at a smaller number.

The one thing that does eat at me on this one is the price. I don't want to pick it all apart and illustrate everything on the scales right now, but I'll just say in brief that I think these could've been offered at his usual recent FS prices. Maybe I can see why Old Drac would be a little more, but offering the painted sculpt at the usual price kind of negates that rationale. But I really don't see why Young Drac is going for $240 more than usual.

Inflation without rationalization™ is something that I really dislike about this hobby, both for licensed and custom offerings. Buying this feels like I'm supporting something that I'm against, but for some reason I just couldn't resist this one.


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Undoubtedly that's going to turn out awesome, but I was it was something for the figure. Like that picture of Mina or another 2 pairs of hands (1 for Red and 1 for Blue) or something