Rainman Artworks - Dracula

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I assumed that was part of it because those were no doubt a b___h to make, and naturally not cheap. Again I don't want to dissect every little bit, but just to keep the formula simple, I don't see how it's terribly different than Wonka or even Bickle who was chock full of accessories and even had a highly detailed silver belt buckle. The cane, broach, hands, shoes and glasses are in line with the usual amount of accessories. He made Jack less expensive for being light on accessories but it just seems like this went the other direction
And remember... different strokes for different folks. I'm sure you have a few wants within your top 10 that could easily be seen as WTF!? choices through the eyes of the next day

One of these days....you will all be left weeping at the sight of my 'Every Which Way But Loose' Clint & Clyde DX, I swear to s**t you will
The one thing that does eat at me on this one is the price. I don't want to pick it all apart and illustrate everything on the scales right now, but I'll just say in brief that I think these could've been offered at his usual recent FS prices. Maybe I can see why Old Drac would be a little more, but offering the painted sculpt at the usual price kind of negates that rationale. But I really don't see why Young Drac is going for $240 more than usual.

Inflation without rationalization™ is something that I really dislike about this hobby, both for licensed and custom offerings. Buying this feels like I'm supporting something that I'm against, but for some reason I just couldn't resist this one.


However, I can't wait to get this figure. This is a piece I've wanted for a long time, and shall ignore all the negativity about the movie.

One of these days....you will all be left weeping at the sight of my 'Every Which Way But Loose' Clint & Clyde DX, I swear to s**t you will

Sign me up to that too :lol
Speaking of the glasses Robbie, can you reveal how they will attach/stay on the face?
I don't know what Rainman's plan is, but the ones so far just fit that well they stay on. You can turn and move the head, even hold the figure upside down and stuff. They fall if you give the figure a strong shake. I'm debating on send tweezers along with each pair because they are needed to put the glasses on.
I assumed that was part of it because those were no doubt a b___h to make, and naturally not cheap. Again I don't want to dissect every little bit, but just to keep the formula simple, I don't see how it's terribly different than Wonka or even Bickle who was chock full of accessories and even had a highly detailed silver belt buckle. The cane, broach, hands, shoes and glasses are in line with the usual amount of accessories. He made Jack less expensive for being light on accessories but it just seems like this went the other direction

I'm just guessing. Other than the price I'm getting for the glasses, I know just as much as everyone else. I'm guessing the comparison of hair should be with Regan and Marla not Wonka. I think the processes and hair a similar. I got the impression that the Jack figure was a lot more expensive to make and wasn't as profitable for him. Rainman also negotiated with me on the price of the glasses becuase he was trying to keep the cost of the figure down. I dobt what all that actually translates to, but the cost to the collector was something he is aware of.
That's very cool of you to want to include tweezers but don't spoil these guys! :lol

Every collector should minimally have this kit or all the similar tools (and then some) handy: https://www.sideshowtoy.com/collect...ctible-care-kit-sideshow-collectibles-500026/

Awesome to hear that the glasses stay put with friction and that they're that resilient! :rock

As for him being mindful of the collector's thoughts on pricing... I love his stuff and the man himself, and I want to believe that but it's not always evident. And artists understanding collectors' thoughts on pricing is pretty damn important

One of these days....you will all be left weeping at the sight of my 'Every Which Way But Loose' Clint & Clyde DX, I swear to s**t you will


I see your Clint & Clyde and raise you a Paulie & Charlie!! You will all drop to your knees and gaze in wonderment and awe at my OOAK DX duo!




However, I can't wait to get this figure. This is a piece I've wanted for a long time, and shall ignore all the negativity about the movie.

If you want to ignore all negativity then I implore you to never watch the deleted scenes! Some of Keanu's most atrocious work ever lives in there! He should've been stoned to near death for poisoning us with that hogwash

:lol In seriousness, there are some really horrible bits in there, but there were some good parts too. Some of the approach and ideas were better than what actually made the final cut, but they weren't shot well. If they had some good takes of some of the ideas that got deleted, the movie could've been a little better.
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This is Fire!

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The Man is killing it on this release! :rock

I wonder how that will be mounted with those thin tongues. On a pedestal like the other busts or on a flat surface as a backing like what he's sculpting it on?
I'd love to see a pedestal base, but I think you're probably right about it being more of a plaque than a bust/statue
Since the fine embroidery for the dragons on the red robe cannot be done at that scale, I wonder if a yellow matte print of the dragons would have been a better choice than that gold foil print? Gold foil clashes with that red shiny fabric and I think it looses detail visually when trying to make out what it is but it does make the robe look more elegant. Yellow matte probably too dull and would have made the robe look cheaper. Hmmmm....

Damn, I keep staring at that Old Drac with lantern pic. My heart hurts to know Rainman won't be making it especially when that Headsculpt is pulled right out of that photo....uncanny likeness, right out that scene! That badass Old Pimp Dracula with a Rainman made lantern...the pose.....:drool would have been straight out the flick.....Damn.....
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Yes or a extra hand that will hold a lantern

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This is Fire!


:clap That looks great.

If you want to ignore all negativity then I implore you to never watch the deleted scenes! Some of Keanu's most atrocious work ever lives in there! He should've been stoned to near death for poisoning us with that hogwash

:lol In seriousness, there are some really horrible bits in there, but there were some good parts too. Some of the approach and ideas were better than what actually made the final cut, but they weren't shot well. If they had some good takes of some of the ideas that got deleted, the movie could've been a little better.

Yeah, like I said before, I'm fully aware that most of it is utter *&%$, I'm just ignoring the negativity in here because I have fond memories of the movie for other reasons - the main one being the "Making Of/Behind the Scenes". It really got me started/interested in movie making. Huge fan of Gary Oldman too. Plus, I love all the different versions of Dracula. This figure is a grail piece for me. Ah, what a subjective world we live in :wink1:
Yeah, like I said before, I'm fully aware that most of it is utter *&%$, I'm just ignoring the negativity in here because I have fond memories of the movie for other reasons - the main one being the "Making Of/Behind the Scenes". It really got me started/interested in movie making. Huge fan of Gary Oldman too. Plus, I love all the different versions of Dracula. This figure is a grail piece for me. Ah, what a subjective world we live in :wink1:

I'm with you on that; the movie takes me back to good memories of a good time/age also. I was 16 when this hit theaters and the trailer had everyone around my age pumped. It was big talk amongst that age group then, and continued to be for a few weeks as everyone was going to see it. I saw it in the theater with my first long term girlfriend who I was with for well over a year by the time we saw this. We both really liked it, as did pretty much everyone else in our schools. We were all too young at the time to recognize the flaws :lol.

For whatever reason it just never hit me in the sweet spot hard enough to grow into a deep nostalgic connection, and it's power definitely depleted over the years as I grew, but I still think there are plenty of things to like about it.
For whatever reason it just never hit me in the sweet spot hard enough to grow into a deep nostalgic connection, and it's power definitely depleted over the years as I grew, but I still think there are plenty of things to like about it.

I've had it on VHS since release, then DVD. I decided - after this thread and my DX purchase - to buy it on Blu-Ray. It definitely hasn't aged well, but, like you said too, the memories! The Making of is fantastic and I just love how intense/serious Gary Oldman is and his conflict with Coppola.

It's a movie. It's to entertain. If it doesn't do that, then there's no point in watching it or moaning. There are plenty of movies I don't like, but I can still appreciate the artistry, both in making the film and figures.

When you're spending that much on a Rainman product, you really need to be feeling the connection. I have a large collection now, and I shall start getting rid of the ones I don't feel so passionate about. If nothing else, this will be the last man/vampire/bat/Victorian standing :)

I certainly don't collect to show off. I collect so I can appreciate the figures, the movies, the memories. . .