Rainman Artworks - Dracula

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The VVIPs will be like 5 people I've been told, guys who had bought like 15 figures from him haha, I'm not even sure if any of them are on here.

Will that be the Dracula logo, do you think? The DX already comes with the wolf.
Im sure most of us on here has spent $$$$$ with the man. I hope it is for the ones who have always bought a fullest/DX right from the very start on every release
- I think that deserves a reward to be constantly supportive in that way....

: I am not one of those either! I have been onboard since I discovered the Dude... My first RM Figure...
I don't want to speak for him, as it was a little bit ago since I talked to him about it but the gist was:

Someone bought over 15, 15-20
They are my oldest friends
We have keep friendship for longtime
VIP member is so many so...
Needs more special position, member, with gift.
Maybe smaller than 10
It makes no sense he put it in his email if it is only for his "friends"... I thought it was cool from him to give something back to his fans or faithful customers.

He talked about money, but if it is for those who spent more than 15k I don't see the point! A client who spent over 12k and was there from the begining is not good enough?

I mean I would'nt send a message to tell him I made a gift to my girlfriend.
The VVIPs will be like 5 people I've been told, guys who had bought like 15 figures from him haha, I'm not even sure if any of them are on here.

oh man, this sounds like a sucking up contest...the invisible collector that buys every piece from him and doesn't talk to him might not be considered VVIP then I'm assuming...what about people who bought almost all his work secondarily instead of directly from his site? If this is for his friends, I suspect many to start messaging Lee to become his "friend" just for a VVIP position. :lol
oh man, this sounds like a sucking up contest...the invisible collector that buys every piece from him and doesn't talk to him might not be considered VVIP then I'm assuming...what about people who bought almost all his work secondarily instead of directly from his site? If this is for his friends, I suspect many to start messaging Lee to become his "friend" just for a VVIP position. :lol

Where did you get the sucking up from? He is going by his orders on his site, guys who bought 15+ though him.
I'm happy with just getting my figures,don't need a gift,but for the money spent it would be nice to include everyone who buys a dx wether you buy 1-15. We all are supporters if your willing to spend that kind of money,i don't think it should be based on how many you buy and if your just hitting your friends off then keep it on the down low,this way nobody feels like they are being left out of something that will never come their way anyway. Basically in my opinion all customers should be treated equal,all our money is the same. Anyway does anybody know what rainmans next piece will be?

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I believe you guys are misinterpreting him. In basic terms he is just saying he is creating a next tier of vip, where it took x amount of dollars or x amount of full sets to reach vip, it now takes 15-20 figures to reach vvip. When he says friends he means anyone who buys from him is a friend, a supporter. He is just rewarding long time customers (friends) who have supported him for 15+ figure releases. Also that doesn't mean new people are excluded, once they fit that quota they will be vvip, again this is all my interpretation and could be entirely wrong, but that's how I understand it. But none of this matters as he hasn't even commented on it again, so things could of changed.
There should be a rainman general discussion thread.... is there one?

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Nope. People just use whatever project thread is going at the time.

I understood what he was saying to be a new tier of VIP like what Andrew's saying.

And him saying 'friends' doesn't mean actual friends or any kind of bias or anything. He calls his customers 'friends' in basically everything he posts to us.
Yeah, i get it now,that brief explanation put everything in a much better perspective. Texting can be confusing at times. Thanks

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so we are less than a week away from the 50 day line on his site....don't think we will be getting him until maybe march...
Rainman posted this picture. He says a friend cast it from real silver.

Screen Shot 2016-02-01 at 23.35.47.jpg
That's cool to use silver to stand out,especially on a cane for the blue version. I only got the red version,but would have jumped on the dx if i had the funds. I'm sure a blue version will pop up down the road. Kinda hard from that pic to see the detail, but I'm sure it's top quality. Anybody have any idea since we are coming up on 50 days when Dracula will start being shipped?

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My guess is we won't see Dracula shipping until well into March. Maybe April even.
But anythings possible!
Kinda hard from that pic to see the detail, but I'm sure it's top quality. Anybody have any idea since we are coming up on 50 days when Dracula will start being shipped?

The original listing on his site is probably better detail, now I've looked at it again. No idea why he put delivery in 50 days. Maybe a mistake.
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