Clothing set <Shipping Out Orders> - [ToriBox] Han Solo ESB Outfit 2nd Run

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thanks Robbie, email received and replied to, I'll fix you up with payment as soon I receive your reply with the details.

Thanks Man, this looks amazing and even if it doesn't fit, I'll work out a way to get it to fit. You really have made an awesome looking product and I so cannot wait to get it all together with the Yunsil clothing.

Thanks for doing these for everyone :)
any idea when you might be able to get these all to Ray and how long should it take for Ray to receive them ? Sorry I'm in Australia and no idea how the postal system is functioning currently in the U.S
The US is in the middle of a massive ice and snow storm pretty much everywhere. East coast is getting hit really bad. It's going to slow shipping down in addition to the f***ing Covid that has wrecked havoc everywhere.

Thanks Man, just trying to get an idea of how long before it might be with me here. Super excited to receive it all, hey. It all looks awesome and everyone has done a wonderful job. Sucks the postal service is so slow right now, but it is what it is I guess.

Received my set from Robbie today. Amazing work as always. For those that are curious, I used a body from the Solo movie. I had no issues getting the holster to fit around the waist or leg. The regular belt is the one that came with the Yunsil set.

Many thanks to Mike, Robbie and Ray for all of their efforts to bring this set together.
My set arrived today as well, wasn't expecting it so soon. I'd post a pic, but it would look identical to UniversalKey's except for the boots. :D Maybe later.

Thanks for seeing this project through, Robbie, it's an amazing little work of art!

I messaged you on Insta already about this but would love to see your take on an Indy gun belt/holster rig, sure it would look fantastic if this Han set is anything to go by.