Received mine. Truly amazing craftsmanship.
Has Ray received the bulk delivery from Robbie?
My set arrived today as well, wasn't expecting it so soon. I'd post a pic, but it would look identical to UniversalKey's except for the boots.Maybe later.
Thanks for seeing this project through, Robbie, it's an amazing little work of art!
I messaged you on Insta already about this but would love to see your take on an Indy gun belt/holster rig, sure it would look fantastic if this Han set is anything to go by.
It's been shipped but has not arrived yet.
four remaining people need to pay for their shipping and get their sets out but after the 4 it looks as if everyone and everything is settled up.
If anyone DOES NOT have their clothes or blasters/rigs sets in hand or on the way please let Hydeous, myself or Robbie know.
Once those final 4 get shipped their blaster/outfit sets we will consider this project CLOSED. Once and for all.
I’m happy to have been a part of it with you all, thanks to Robbie and Hydeous for their work on this.
The outfits turned out excellent, the pants and jacket are about as good as I could imagine.
The belt work is an absolute masterpiece. When Robbie sent me the WIP for fitting I was impressed but the final set is beyond that quality by a landslide.
solo body’s, TTM18, worldbkx, Coomodel... I tried it on a bunch of them and they all fit like a dream. So any stress about that was unwarranted as I figured it would be .
The one heads up I have is there the Robbie black belt doesn’t fit in the yunsil belt loops. I was able to get it to fit by stretching out the belt loops by tugging on them with tweezers for awhile. Anyone not that brave, at least we have the yunsil one which is nice. Port that Robbie belt over to your HT ANH Han which is flaking to ****. And it’s a win win.
Mark my words this will be one set that people who’ll be kicking themselves over not getting for years to come, it was not easy to get here and it was literally years in the making but we have it now, and a new head coming to boot. Congrats all on being a part of this awesome project!
four remaining people need to pay for their shipping and get their sets out but after the 4 it looks as if everyone and everything is settled up.
If anyone DOES NOT have their clothes or blasters/rigs sets in hand or on the way please let Hydeous, myself or Robbie know.
Once those final 4 get shipped their blaster/outfit sets we will consider this project CLOSED. Once and for all.
I’m happy to have been a part of it with you all, thanks to Robbie and Hydeous for their work on this.
The outfits turned out excellent, the pants and jacket are about as good as I could imagine.
The belt work is an absolute masterpiece. When Robbie sent me the WIP for fitting I was impressed but the final set is beyond that quality by a landslide.
solo body’s, TTM18, worldbkx, Coomodel... I tried it on a bunch of them and they all fit like a dream. So any stress about that was unwarranted as I figured it would be .
The one heads up I have is there the Robbie black belt doesn’t fit in the yunsil belt loops. I was able to get it to fit by stretching out the belt loops by tugging on them with tweezers for awhile. Anyone not that brave, at least we have the yunsil one which is nice. Port that Robbie belt over to your HT ANH Han which is flaking to ****. And it’s a win win.
Mark my words this will be one set that people who’ll be kicking themselves over not getting for years to come, it was not easy to get here and it was literally years in the making but we have it now, and a new head coming to boot. Congrats all on being a part of this awesome project!
its not bud, and you know that as much as any of us having been there too.Congrats Ray, I was following this from beginning to end and it was such a roller coaster and it really shows it's not easy being a project organizer.