Clothing set <Shipping Out Orders> - [ToriBox] Han Solo ESB Outfit 2nd Run

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I think he was more referring to the small quantity on this run a opposed to others Hot toys has made alternatves of like John Wick, Joker, Indy etc which all had exponentially more interest than Han, which I think is a fair point and a near guarentee this will fetch a pretty penny on the secondary market.

Dont think Hottoysaddict was intending to be insulting or elitist.

I certainly wasn't intending to be. I'm just really surprised that there wasn't more people on this list. I mean, it's Han Solo....Bespin. Surely one of the coolest characters seen on screen and I'm delighted with how well the sets came out. All of it, that's all & hey, I got ripped a new one when I was new here for having a Sideshow web belt on my Indy , I know how that felt, so I'm certainly not trying to make anyone on the receiving end of any criticism :)
I certainly wasn't intending to be. I'm just really surprised that there wasn't more people on this list. I mean, it's Han Solo....Bespin. Surely one of the coolest characters seen on screen and I'm delighted with how well the sets came out. All of it, that's all & hey, I got ripped a new one when I was new here for having a Sideshow web belt on my Indy , I know how that felt, so I'm certainly not trying to make anyone on the receiving end of any criticism :)
I just think Star Wars isn't very popular. ;)
I missed it, cause I didn't even know this board existed. So wish I could get a set!!!!!!

yeah, that's hard. Technically I may have joined in 2015, but for all intents and purposes I forgot about it and only re-joined the activity in the last couple of years. The run was already started and I was lucky to even get on the list. I'm glad I was lucky enough to be able to. I really hope that Yunsil will do another run of these.
You seem to have very little appreciation of the fact that the majority of people cannot afford to drop well over $1000 on just one figure!!!

Be careful not to come across as one of THOSE people! :mad: Just be grateful that you are one of the privileged few that can afford these beautiful pieces...

Hot Toys Bespin Han Solo (if ever released) $300 - $350 :)

Custom Bespin Han Solo: Clothing $500, Painted custom sculpt $400, Robbie's rig & blaster $250, HT Solo body $100, HT Solo boots $50. TOTAL = $1300!!! :eek: Of course it's going to be better quality...:p

It really just boils down to preference and priorities really. I was one that was going to wait for the HT release, but decided hey, I don't need "X" amount of "X" in my collection so sold off a few things to make sure I could get in on this and a few other goodies. I've seen your collection. ?? you could have made a sacrifice or two to get in. I dont think you have to get upset with those that did. ? ?

And as Chili pointed out, I don't think Dave was coming off in that way.
In general there have mostly just been custom Star Wars sculpts since Hot Toys got the license.

Clothing runs have been extremely rare -- ANH Leia dress, Jedi Luke, and this Bespin Han run, IIRC. That's partially a testament to people finding much of the HT offerings adequate enough, outside many of the sculpts obviously, or maybe the value that people place in a sculpt vs clothing. Dunno.

Would have been great if 30 more people joined in at the outset and pushed the price down, but at the end of the day we all made some sacrifices in other parts of our collections to get here and got a really special figure as a result.
Any chance for a re-release of this set? I just got into customs and would love to get my hands on this outfit.
That's too bad. I guess there's no point in getting the Inigo sculpt then as I can't find a proper Han ESB outfit that looks as good as this one.
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I don't know, Sideshow and Hot Toys combination can look ok too, still worth doing imho


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crazy question. I don't suppose anyone's looking for some money and wanting to sell a set of Yunsil Han clothing?