Clothing set <Shipping Out Orders> - [ToriBox] Han Solo ESB Outfit 2nd Run

Custom One-Sixth Figures Forum

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I am definitely making them. Quiting my professor job and will be moving to freelance artists full time. So I'm diving into the deep end.

Oh boy that’s big news man! I will say congrats! Rest assured as always I’ll be here to keep your income steady buying up all your amazing work ;)
I’ll pay sometime within the next month . I just paid off a prime 1 piece and need to recover from that
I sent my payment on April 16th, but only see one star by my name (assuming two means both deposit and final amount paid).
I think those were actually there before the deposits started. But maybe just a clear indication of who has paid in full would be helpful. That way we can keep track of how close we are to moving forward and also shame the slackers who haven’t paid up! ;)

Man, I really miss the SSF emoji options.
And like Star Puffs I’m paid up too and only see one star but vote also for the full visibility of payment status so we can hound those who have not paid.