(Cult King) One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest: R.P. McMurphy

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Update sculpt, posted min 31 ago on Denny's account.

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I'm in if the beanie version is gonna be done. What is the edition size gonna be? This would be my first cult king figure and couldn't be a better character. Also I'll 2nd if anybody can post information for people who don't use Facebook. Looking at the head sculpt above i can't see how a beanie could be put on top of that hair,but a dx set sound great with both versions of him with green shirt and pjs mental institution style along with beanie look. I'm personally interested in only the beanie version,really need more information about even if there is a beanie version being made and if so,pictures or elaborating on anything to help out to understand how it's gonna be made. For instance is the beanie gonna be real wool or sculpted on. I think real wool will look better and easier to make. Also you can have the beanie look however you want,meaning how high or low from McMurphys forehead,especially if there are any concerns about the forehead. Haven't even been told yet if there is gonna be a beanie version made,let alone seeing any pics,so to be clear I'm in as far as it's for the beanie version. If not I've spoken to a artist I'll let people know about if they are gonna want a beanie version made. I don't want to post his name on here and he doesn't care about edition size as far as it being a reasonable number,he's only gonna care if a ton of intrest comes pouring in,which so far i don't see,so there is a option for the beanie version and if your interested once you see the work this artist does you'll be blown away. I bought a 1/4 scale Kratos from him,that i got lucky to get since someone canceled their order,but the paint still needs to be applied,plenty of pics to look at for interested parties. If your curious how well Kratos came out you can checkout Radd Titan review of Kratos on you tube. That is the clean version you'll see,but there is a bloody version as well which is the one i bought. Right now he is finishing up on a hulk that i think will be the best hulk ever made in 1/4 scale. Excuse the long message, but want to try and be as clear as possible about different topics all related to Randall P. Unfortunately i don't get updates on anything on s.s.f even after talking to Darklord Dave,who said my situation is a unique one,glad for his help,but hate having to log in and possibly misd something I'm interested in and it comes and goes without a clue to me. If anybody might have any suggestions why this is happening I'd appreciate the help. Enjoy your memorial day weekend if your in the states,if your outside of the states, its always good to think about your military. I think every country should have a holiday that pays respect to both military both alive and have made the ultimate sacrifice to defend our freedoms in each countries unique way it has come to be. Anyway enough babbling this is about Randall. I'll be back for updates and appreciate everyone posting for ppl who don't have fb.

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I think the sculpt is great. The skintones are very grey though. Maybe it's just the photo here but the Max had very greyish tones when I got it. I Added a bit more red and normalized ( I think) the flesh tones and I think it looks better. The paint application itself is great, just think the colors are off.

I agree. some color would greatly improv his look. But that's always been the case with iminime most their figures look like they have a serious vitamin deficiency. Give Jack some life!

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