But in all seriousness.....hell no. I'd screw it up. :monkey1
Here's my head, I'm using my ipod touch to take pictures now, because otherwise my pictures will never make it here.
No air bubbles ? everything good ?
But in all seriousness.....hell no. I'd screw it up. :monkey1
Here's my head, I'm using my ipod touch to take pictures now, because otherwise my pictures will never make it here.
Though I think some of Adam's upcoming sculpts will give it a hard run for its money..that Two Face :eek
Gregg thats by far the best paint up of this sculpt. Incredible!
:lecture what he said.
Minor nit pick would be the hair line on the temple. Looks a bit too thick, but that said, I seriously think your paint job really compliments on Adams sculpt.
Hope to have someone topple this paint job soon though:monkey3:lol
One of my favorite things about unpainted sculpts is seeing how different they can look in the hands of different painters.