Clothing set IRIS: 'The Big Lebowski' - The Dude Outfit 2ND RUN [SHIPPING]

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This is my current WIP for Dude shoes. I won't produce a run if Andy does though.
Yeah I'll definitely do the shoes. I'll try to find my photos. I might also update the sculpt a little before casting. I did it in Sculpey so thre clay never dries.
Are we sure the iris version is more accurate, I saw a picture on Facebook of the revised geewhiz one and it looked better in colour.
The Iris one is the least accurate, that's why we spent hours evaluating it and have sent the improvements to Iris. Hopefully she will get back to us with the improved prototype soon.
I’m down for the shoes 100%! I was doing a lil research around on where to get the glass from and I found one guy who offered me to make a complete russian with Ice cubes and stuff from the dimensions I gave to him. This was his first attempt on the print, he said he wont stop until the glass is 100% clear and smooth. Do you guys know who may be interested in making bits like the glass or bowling ball with the bag etc.? I always like to have lots of accessories lol


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Any movement on when the deposits need to be in by?
Iris hasnt got back to me yet. I hope everything is going okay with her.
I'm pretty sure shes just open to make anything that people require her to do whenever. So at the moment deposits are left open.