Hi Man,He said he can finish half of THE JACKET (you mean jackets surely?) end of this month and the rest in May.
Just to be crystal clear and avoid any further 'confusion' the tailor said he will ship half the jackets the end of this month and the rest in May?
How can you go from looking to have all the jackets done in March to this? It makes no sense much like most of the previous updates to be fair.
Also what happened to the team he brought in? Are they all just helping him count the money?
I can refund your money if the wait is too long for you, don't worry I'm all ears if you have any concerns.I doubt he will have finished one complete jacket with the modifications by the end of this month let alone half of them.
Just give him 4-5 days to complete and assemble the new revised Jacket.Jagzz, nothing but respect for you, and I don’t think anyone wants a refund.
I must say, if he and his team were hard at work, wouldn’t we have more than 1 jacket done? The way I see it, no mods have been made and no other jacket has been started. I can’t see what the team is hard at work on considering this latest update is pretty much identical to the one in March. Of course after giving the tailor $625 we are going to be at least concerned. We just want progress.
Again, I don’t want to be that guy but with a project this expensive it’s hard not to.
I have faith he’ll come through and complete the jackets I just want more transparency, and I really hope he makes the necessary modifications, it wouldn’t be right if he didn’t.
I just finished talked with him to finalize the buckle shape. So quite often, but I don’t want to keep pushing him to finish faster, as he already gave me the new timeline for completion.I appreciate you taking the time to respond. I would like my jacket not a refund.
I never set the deadline on the jacket. I have made no demands at all. I did not even bother to make suggestions for the jacket as I felt that once the jacket entered production it would cause extra hassle for both the tailor and yourself.
While you are all ears I do have a few questions though:
You said previously you didn't want to keep bothering the tailor. May I ask how often do you contact them and how quickly do they reply to you? You also said you would not accept any more excuses. Which means you must have felt he has given them to you previously. Could you go into more detail about them?
This is a prime example of why I'm winding down my time in the hobby. Producers should be realistic about when they can deliver, especially when they've received complete payments, which has always been problematic to me. For a buyer to make a complete payment based on a timeline that doesn't hold up gives all of the power to the tailor. Paying half upfront potentially would force more responsibility from the tailor because they'd have more motivation to stick to the deadline in order to get paid, or at the very least the likelihood of them being more communicative might improve. I'm looking forward to receiving the jacket, I'm sure it will be worth the wait, but multiply this by tailors who vanish, buildings burning down, health issues, organizer powerlessness and it just gets old, takes a lot of the fun out of the hobby. I've got this and a couple of other previously ordered pieces to be completed and delivered and then it's a wrap for me.
Sorry to gave you another bad experience on a production run. I will try my best to push this completion date within the last timeline he gave me.This is a prime example of why I'm winding down my time in the hobby. Producers should be realistic about when they can deliver, especially when they've received complete payments, which has always been problematic to me. For a buyer to make a complete payment based on a timeline that doesn't hold up gives all of the power to the tailor. Paying half upfront potentially would force more responsibility from the tailor because they'd have more motivation to stick to the deadline in order to get paid, or at the very least the likelihood of them being more communicative might improve. I'm looking forward to receiving the jacket, I'm sure it will be worth the wait, but multiply this by tailors who vanish, buildings burning down, health issues, organizer powerlessness and it just gets old, takes a lot of the fun out of the hobby. I've got this and a couple of other previously ordered pieces to be completed and delivered and then it's a wrap for me.
List updated.Hey jagzz, could you update my spot in place for @greatlakes6. Thank you.
This 100%. Great post.
He made everything and cutting using a machine, and he send me a video of it. I think the most time consuming is the sewing part. But I will try to ask him how long does it takes to sew one jacket.Just one more question Jagzz:
Could you ask the tailor, assuming you have not done so already, how long it takes from beginning to end to make just one of these jackets?
Understand brother, I know that it’s a high price tag. So I also will treat this project very carefuly. Again I’m here and you can contact me anytime and I will respond as soon as I can. I’m all ears if anyone have any concern on this project. Just trust me on this, I only want the best, and hopefully all of your frustation will be wash away after you received this amazing 1/6 leather jacket.I can’t speak for everyone but none of my frustrations are with you Jaggz I know it’s a stressful position you’re in. I’m being patient and I will continue to be. I’ve just honestly never spent so much on a piece of 1/6 clothing. Perhaps it’s a bit intimidating in that sense
For now there’s no red flag on the production itself, it just take a longer time than we expected. He’s also very sorry for the delay, I know that he’s trying his best to complete this as soon as possible.If buyers are expected to have experience in this customs game then it must follow as surely as night follows day that so must the artists in the customs game as well.
Things do change. Deadlines can be extended. Artists have to source materials from elsewhere or even rip it up and start again etc etc. These things happen. I have no problem with any of that.
If an artist has a problem then they should tell that to the person organising the run. If they set a deadline and fail to meet it then they should at least explain why. That is the bare minimum that should be expected.