Super Freak
As if the ebay prices aren't annoying already, you still need to pay even more for a repaint.
What do you mean yodasan?
As if the ebay prices aren't annoying already, you still need to pay even more for a repaint.
Whilst we actively encourage customisers both here and on other forums, at this time we will not agree to any increase in this run, either in whole or part. As an officially licensed company we are bound by a number of criteria that must be met. First and foremost any vendor that we work with must comply with ethical code of conduct audits, to ensure safe working practises. We have no contact with the factory being used for the production of this run so we cannot comment as to its suitability to meet the requirements imposed on us. In addition we pay the licensor a royalty for each piece sold, for the rights to use trademarked names, logos and intellectual property. This is something that we know will not be possible given the high costs to produce such limited runs. Furthermore we consider the timing of this release particularly poor, given that our official product has only recently been released. After speaking with Denny we kindly agreed to allow the small run to proceed, given the amount of work that had gone into the figures. We cannot however, agree to any additional units being made and sold and so therefore request that no further solicitations, or interest be pursued.
Without prejudice
BIG Chief Studios Ltd.
Yeah, if not for the safety audits comment I was thinking a good option might be Denny selling them, alongside an official BCS figure, so folks would be forced to support BCS if they wanted the Iminime one. That way, BCS would only increase business. But. . .maybe best for a fledgling company not to set that kind of precedent. It was generous of them to allow Denny to sell a small number the way they did.
I think the best way to do it, would be for Denny to purchase 20 Sherlock figures from BCS (and even Watson), just repaint them and make new clothing. And re-sell them from there.
That way it would clearly be a customized figure, and there's not really any grey area there.
Great... something I expected though.
no shame admitting Im ******** about this... thanks BCS, I mean I really was looking forward to the licensed figure. And in all honesty, it was just not good enough for a character I love so much. I had some hope and renewed Interest with this one, but now thats gone to the bin.
Great... something I expected though.
no shame admitting Im ******** about this... thanks BCS, I mean I really was looking forward to the licensed figure. And in all honesty, it was just not good enough for a character I love so much. I had some hope and renewed Interest with this one, but now thats gone to the bin.