Clothing set <Shipping Out Orders> - [ToriBox] Han Solo ESB Outfit 2nd Run

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I agree with Ray. They have had a more than a generous opportunity to either make full payment, sell their spot to someone else or communicate to you why they haven’t paid yet. In absence of the above I think we move on without them. Our Han Solo figures have been naked for long enough haha!

On a slightly different point, what is everyone using for the sculpt? Jnix did one a while ago but I don’t think it is quite as perfect as his ANH version. Sculptor Buffy recently produced a Deckard and I understand that Indiana Jones might be next so perhaps a possibility we could ask for ESB Han after that (just an idea and it wouldn’t be a cheap option)? Sorry for hijacking the thread Hydeous!
I agree with Ray. They have had a more than a generous opportunity to either make full payment, sell their spot to someone else or communicate to you why they haven’t paid yet. In absence of the above I think we move on without them. Our Han Solo figures have been naked for long enough haha!

On a slightly different point, what is everyone using for the sculpt? Jnix did one a while ago but I don’t think it is quite as perfect as his ANH version. Sculptor Buffy recently produced a Deckard and I understand that Indiana Jones might be next so perhaps a possibility we could ask for ESB Han after that (just an idea and it wouldn’t be a cheap option)? Sorry for hijacking the thread Hydeous!
Inigo recently teased an ESB Han too. That's my plan if that indeed moves forward.
Seems like we’ll go ahead with it then, if everyone’s ok with it. Should we go ahead and offer their slots now or wait for a day or two to give time for all members to read it?