Clothing set <Shipping Out Orders> - [ToriBox] Han Solo ESB Outfit 2nd Run

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hey hydeous any chance we can get an update or thoughts on the above? Again if you want me to formally take over this run let me know.
need more updates on this asap
Any update on how this goes forward would be nice from Hydeous.
Time to reply hydeuous.. hand this run over to ray and let’s bloody get it done with.

C’mon Hydeous, where are you? What’s going on?

Hey fellas. The moderators are trying to get ahold of hydeous to try and provide an update.

@Hydeous if you could please update your buyers. We understand the world is a bit upended right now. A little communication goes a long way.
Andy, I know you and Ymba are keeping an eye on this and we can’t thank you both enough.

Hydeous again, I’m really happy to help you on this if you like, take off the responsibility. If you want to chat privately just hit me up.

hope you’re ok! I know this is a crazy time.
I've sent Toribox an email to ask if they could communicate the status on what they have been paid and not paid and also if they could reach out to Hydeous. I see he has not logged on since March 6, hopefully he is OK and can update us ASAP. I've sent an email to the address we all sent our payment to also try and get ahold of Hydeous.

I will keep you guys posted on Toribox's reply also.
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Thanks Raymond, really appreciate it. I hope Hydeous is ok as well as he is a good guy and I always had a good experience when working with him on a project or commission work before. Bespin Solo is literally the pinnacle of OT Star Wars for me so really hope we can get this one moving in the right direction.
hi guys, sorry for the long overdue update.

been having some family issues lately, since my dad was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer last year, and condition has worsened over the past few weeks, hence i wasn’t login in that much here, but i do check in SSF often every now and then since most of us here go there too, if you guys need to contact me.

lemme check with the previous messages, and update you guys. my last message was that i was waiting to see if ray would offer the remaining spots to his other channels hoping to wrap this project asap.
Thanks so much hydeous for checking in especially during your circumstances. We all hope you and your family are as ok as can be expected we are glad to hear you are ok!

Hang in there let us know if we can help and thanks for your attention to this despite all the craziness going on.
hi guys, sorry for the long overdue update.

been having some family issues lately, since my dad was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer last year, and condition has worsened over the past few weeks, hence i wasn’t login in that much here, but i do check in SSF often every now and then since most of us here go there too, if you guys need to contact me.

lemme check with the previous messages, and update you guys. my last message was that i was waiting to see if ray would offer the remaining spots to his other channels hoping to wrap this project asap.

Hey guys,

Toribox just got back to me saying that there’s a slight price increase of $25 per outfit because of the delay. So for the remaining 5 outfit the price is $435, please help out to spread out the word so we can finalize the orders soon. For the rest of 15 who have paid, you can send the $25 later when we’ve already got the 5 new buyers ????
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Hey Hydeous, did you inquire about the cost of switching this to 15 sets? Some members had discussed that idea, and the possibility of using the deposits for the people who bailed to cover some of the price difference. Seems like it will be difficult to get 5 more members in this climate and just mean the project drags on even longer. It's been a full year now since a lot of us have paid in full for this.
Hello everyone, hope you’re all doing well. Do we have an update on the extra $25? Do we send it?
Hey Hydeous, did you inquire about the cost of switching this to 15 sets? Some members had discussed that idea, and the possibility of using the deposits for the people who bailed to cover some of the price difference. Seems like it will be difficult to get 5 more members in this climate and just mean the project drags on even longer. It's been a full year now since a lot of us have paid in full for this.

its not possible because the orders have been put in. I’m trying to set aside a fund for now to cover the remaining sets in the mean time so that the project could be done ASAP.

haven`t been on here in a while is this still going on/ and any room left

yes, there’s 5 remaining sets left.