WOLVERINE - full figure - by ELVIS1976 and TONY MEIS

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Man, once you get all of this up and running smoothly, you could even go crazy and have a selection of parts for people to pick from and assemble their dream Wolverine...buffet style!

I'm good with the one you are working on, however:)
Seb, of course I'm in on this also:clap
Tony once again I applaud you for wanting to please everybody....
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Also consider shouldn't the black stripes on the suit be blue, as that seems to be the case on most comic illustrations of wolvie :)

TBH the stripes were always black in the original comics.
Blue doesn't make any sense, it is a drawing kinda trick to show the light.

BUT I want black stripes :wink1:
Ok fair enough if the majority want black it won't kill me either to hav black. N I know I won't go back lol :)
Well you know this isn't a question of majority.

It is the version we love and the version we want to make. :)
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hanouman's new sculpt is really giving me a glenn fabry vibe, which i love.

personally, i love where the black spikes on the side are turned around so they form 2 lines down the middle:


but i agree with seb - wolverine has had so many outfits over the years, it'll be tough to please everyone. you guys should make what you like the most - that way it'll come out the best. in any case, the one you guys have decided on is definitely the most iconic. i mean you can't really beat this in figure form:

well said eightsamurai "you guys should make what you like the most - that way it'll come out the best" - have to agree with you there "
Hi Seb, Please add me on the list for full set. Thanks
Those pics just made this project a hell of a lot harder to pass on...
Nice, but I prefer the larger belt buckle that was shown on the proto in Tony's thread.
Yeah don't worry, this is my personal wolverine.

Like I said above, shoulder pads, boots, gloves and belt will be different.
Why does everyone insist on looking at Seb's pics on the first page and critiquing it like that is the figure we are getting???

Everyone just relax, the figure hasn't even been put together yet :lol

Let the men work and when they are ready they will reveal the masterpiece of their collaboration.
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