WOLVERINE - full figure - by ELVIS1976 and TONY MEIS

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It may be worth looking in to steel as it can be polished

If this figure is going to be high quality I will be interested in a full figure pending results

I was looking thru it. Our claws will be made completely different from just a flat metal. Wolverine's claws has a unique shape to it, from thickness to sharp. If we made each claws like the sword, it'll take my whole life to finish 20 set of 6 claws manually. And the result may not come consistent enough. We decide to use aluminum injection with chrome coating. I'm sure it'll be the lightest n strong, at the same time, shiny. The key spot light of this figure, the CLAWS will definitely worth a good portion of the over all value.

Go for it! All in
Elvis1976 n I were discussing about the quality of our part versus the price of this project. At the end we decide with our final result, "Go all out!". We want to be able to make a figure with no regret, and when we look back, it'll still be one of the best there is. We look forward for this figure to be top quality at a premium n legendary status. On top of it all, it's posable for buyer to play around with n pose in their own unique style.
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Are you the one making and designing the claws Tony?

The claws will be the same model as the Medicom claws.

yes, they are Medi Claws. In terms of shape, we believe Medi offers the best shape for comic Wolverine over all. The material will be lightweight Aluminum with CHROME coating. We are spoiling all of our Wolverine fans here. Just the set of fist and chrome claws will already be a stand alone piece of art itself.
Am I too late for this party? Can I still be added to the list pending final price? Thanks.
Wow...I read all post from "makers" and this will be epic! Too bad for me, that I don't have money for that, but this will be mindblowing figure!!! I can't wait for new pictures!
Wow...I read all post from "makers" and this will be epic! Too bad for me, that I don't have money for that, but this will be mindblowing figure!!! I can't wait for new pictures!

no worry, save a $100/month, $25/week, or even better- $3.60 per day, you'll be able to get this figure in no time. As long you really want it that bad.
Teaser pic 1
- This will not be the body we use for the final product.
- suit is just a sample to show our WIP
- Black strips are still in the work right now
- belt and boots will also be improve
- head sculpt, TBA ;)

we are just showing the suit, pants and trunks.

Please put me down on the list as well. I was planning to get this head sculpt and do my own custom, but since Seb is planning to do the whole thing, I might as well save myself the trouble! :) Thanks! I'd still be interested in the headsculpt to do another version of Wolverine if available separately later on!
This Wolverine will be amazing, can't wait to see that !!
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