Freaked Out!
^^Oh yes that suit was what I wanted instead of the GF2 grey suit even though the head sculpt is not really GF1. I believe I even posted pics of that suit before.
Sculpt could most defiantly be Godfather 1

^^Oh yes that suit was what I wanted instead of the GF2 grey suit even though the head sculpt is not really GF1. I believe I even posted pics of that suit before.
just got the suit in today.
I have to thank Phil for taking this up, it was a suit I've wanted for a long time.
I can't blame anyone for the suit fabric chosen, it is what it is.
Personally, I am a little disappointed... This suit is not the right material or color or feel.
mine doesn't even have any little black specks on it. its just a plain grey tweed suit.
I would go as far as to say there is nothing correct about the suit apart from the "cut" of it.
mods are needed. the sheen, pattern, black dots and marbled texture are simply not there at all.
View attachment 258168
nonetheless, it is what it is. If anyone is interested in this suit pm me, i may be letting it go..
thanks for bringing this together Phil, sorry that Im not as enthralled as I had hoped to be.
Please don't take any of it personal, I'm just expressing my true thoughts on the final outfit.
Sometimes when yunsil thinks she has it right I feel its best to pry her to find alternatives.
Tbh would've paid $300++++ for this suit.
Im bummed that this grey suit is not silk, or silk appearing, but it does have the black dotting and from pics I've seen so far i like it more than the original cult King offering. I cannot fully judge until it's in hand, should get to me by next week.
And before you guys say it's a GF2 figure and wouldn't work with that suit above ^ here is a side by side of GF1 Pacino and the sculpt
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Sculpted by K.A Kim. Produced by Cult King
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haha,so is this the iminime sculpt?Well K.A is a she. And she does not sell them, cult King no longer has any stock I believe. So best bet is eBay or here off a fellow freak.
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thanks a lot man!
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