Okay guys, heard back from Yunsil. So she can start on the jackets in about 3 weeks if the specifications are the same as the one shown in the first post, if not, then about 2 months wait. The picture of the jacket was made for Hosam and based off references from "Felina" episode. Personally I trust Yunsil's expertise and Hosam seems pretty satisfied with the jacket and looks pretty spot on already. Do we want to take the jacket into production in a few weeks with no prototype so we get what Hosam got basically or we wait a few months for the prototype and critique it from there. I personally choose option A but let's hear some thoughts.
I have also asked Hosam if he could share some photos of the jacket he got and i'm just patiently waiting for his reply.
Sorry this seems more complicated than regular projects because the fact that she has made it before so we get more of a choice as to how we want to approach this.