Caine's Michael Myers Sculpt

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Re: Caine's Micheal Myers Sculpt

That goes double for me too. Bring it on Caine. Price hike or not as long as he isn't over pricing his stuff the way others do he has my business and blessing.

It won't be overpriced. It will be fair for the qaulity of work. I know these things take alot of work but I believe if you sell something for less and sell twice, three times as much your better off that route as it expands your customer base. Not everyone can afford 200+ on a custom. Limited figures are nice but very pricey and there always seems to be another one that comes along and trumps it. This is a sculpt that you can afford to buy and not have to sell your collection to get.

Jumpsuits should be available as well!
Re: Caine's Micheal Myers Sculpt (NEW PICS) 3 PAINTED/HAIRED SPOTS LEFT!

sign me up on one painted with hair
Re: Caine's Micheal Myers Sculpt

It won't be overpriced. It will be fair for the qaulity of work. I know these things take alot of work but I believe if you sell something for less and sell twice, three times as much your better off that route as it expands your customer base. Not everyone can afford 200+ on a custom. Limited figures are nice but very pricey and there always seems to be another one that comes along and trumps it. This is a sculpt that you can afford to buy and not have to sell your collection to get.

Jumpsuits should be available as well!

he will offering the jumpsuits also ?
Re: Caine's Micheal Myers Sculpt (NEW PICS) 2 PAINTED/HAIRED SPOTS LEFT!

yea f%^kin Betos stuff is ridiculously priced IMO . He was charging $550 for a freddy with no body or stand . IDK where he comes up with his prices. Good thing CAINE came along and nailed this MYERS 100% . AWESOME PRICE TOO
Re: Caine's Micheal Myers Sculpt

he will offering the jumpsuits also ?

No, in talks with someone. Going to look into Caine sculpting a knife as well. Or maybe someone would want to tackle that? Metal blade would be cool but not necessary especially if it keeps cost down which I'm sure it would.
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Re: Caine's Micheal Myers Sculpt (NEW PICS) 2 PAINTED/HAIRED SPOTS LEFT!

yea f%^kin Betos stuff is ridiculously priced IMO . He was charging $550 for a freddy with no body or stand . IDK where he comes up with his prices. Good thing CAINE came along and nailed this MYERS 100% . AWESOME PRICE TOO

While I am a supporter of Beto because his stuff is horror I won't drop that kind of money on a figure. I always hope his stuff will be lower priced so I can pull the trigger but I can't spend rent money on one custom unlicensed figure. Not that I can't afford it, but I just can't justify it.

Not hating at all here just my opinion. Beto's Crate Beast is INSANE though.

This Caine Myers is going to be epic, especially for the price. Can't thank Caine enough.
Re: Caine's Micheal Myers Sculpt (NEW PICS) 2 PAINTED/HAIRED SPOTS LEFT!

Yeah betos stuuf is great but no matter what he puts out. It has a $500 price tag on it. Freakin ridiculous and it pisses me off fa fa
Re: Caine's Micheal Myers Sculpt (NEW PICS) 2 PAINTED/HAIRED SPOTS LEFT!

Thanks guys for being so kind and supportive. I really hope that once these are all finished and you have em in hand you enjoy them.

I didn't know really what to price these at because I had never sold anything like this before. I've worked conventions where I would do commissions and sell paintings, but I'd never sold anything like this. And by the way, all of the proceeds from my work are going to my wedding which will be in just over a year.

Anyways, really glad you guys dig the price. And I'm sure it wont, but I hope the lower prices I offer won't deter anyone from buying from other custom artists out there.

well, I'm gonna get back to work. Thanks again you guys!
Re: Caine's Micheal Myers Sculpt

It won't be overpriced. It will be fair for the qaulity of work. I know these things take alot of work but I believe if you sell something for less and sell twice, three times as much your better off that route as it expands your customer base. Not everyone can afford 200+ on a custom. Limited figures are nice but very pricey and there always seems to be another one that comes along and trumps it. This is a sculpt that you can afford to buy and not have to sell your collection to get.

Jumpsuits should be available as well!

Hit the nail on the head right there.
Re: Caine's Micheal Myers Sculpt (NEW PICS) 2 PAINTED/HAIRED SPOTS LEFT!

Man if were talking jump suits too this just keeps getting better and better and as far as beto goes I'm not here to bash beto betos stuff is amazing and no one can deny it he chooses to make limited amounts of his product witch drives the price up but I will say the prices are crazy I got the Freddy he made easily my favorite Freddy made of all time an easy buy for me I look at it as art witch it is and as far as un licensed goes most of the horror stuff doesn't have much of a chance for licensing so we have to turn to custom artist basically all I'm trying to say is Caine is doing a great thing here offering great sculpts at a great price because from what I've read he's just as much a horror fan as us and I thank you sir look very forward to this and future projects and we really shouldn't bash beto because of what he chooses to do with his product I use to think the same thing but then got my first beto custom and I'm hooked the attention to detail is amaizing easily a licensed product quality I'm done with my rant thanks Cain and betos still the man
Re: Caine's Micheal Myers Sculpt (NEW PICS) 2 PAINTED/HAIRED SPOTS LEFT!

Clearly Caine doesn't do it just for money but for horror collectors to be happy(and not broke) . Keep it up Caine and I cant wait to own a custom from you.
Re: Caine's Micheal Myers Sculpt (NEW PICS) 2 PAINTED/HAIRED SPOTS LEFT!

hey amigo just a question, why you are so pissed off? I offend you whit the cost of my figures?; I scam you i any way? or feel i try to scam you in any way? what is a correct or not overprice cost for you? tell me im very curious

Re: Caine's Micheal Myers Sculpt (NEW PICS) 2 PAINTED/HAIRED SPOTS LEFT!

hey amigo just a question, why you are so pissed off? I offend you whit the cost of my figures?; I scam you i any way? or feel i try to scam you in any way? what is a correct or not overprice cost for you? tell me im very curious

Maybe send him a PM. :wink1:
Re: Caine's Micheal Myers Sculpt (NEW PICS) 2 PAINTED/HAIRED SPOTS LEFT!

Yeah in no way, if I did, mean to start any friction. I think we should all focus on Caine's Myers and respect Beto's work!

If anyone has anything negative to say or a personal matter resolve it in PM please or kill yourself. :1-1:
Re: Caine's Micheal Myers Sculpt (NEW PICS) 2 PAINTED/HAIRED SPOTS LEFT!

It's a " discussion forum" and I can discuss my opinions.

I just said that your stuff is too expensive for "ME".

I can not like your prices and find them ridiculously retarded and be ok with thst. Its my opinion. Like I said your Customs are fantastic. I'm not dening that. Its just not everyone can afford a $500 + unlicensed figure.
Re: Caine's Micheal Myers Sculpt (NEW PICS) 2 PAINTED/HAIRED SPOTS LEFT!

First let me say that I'm glad you guys are happy with having a sculptor here offering what you've wanted, with very good details at a price that allows you to own. I'm always for more people offering sculpts, especially horror. And at prices like these don't come along all the time.

Having said that, I'm not understanding the bashing. Yes, I understand that customs from Beto AND other customizers and sculptors are high in price. Believe me, I love to own all of Beto's stuff but can not afford everything. But I'm not going to bash someone because of it. Wish I could of afford Pennywise, Fluffy and Original short arm Freddy. But I'm not going to bash the guy for it.

I have shopped around and continue to shop around with many people on this threads and other sites. For a full clothing figure, painted and with great details, $400-$600 is actually fair compare to what other people offer. _____, I've been quoted $400-$500 for just one commission on one sculpt unpainted. Yet I'm not seeing this much hate in their threads.

If yo can get something with great quality at a good price, great!! Go for it. But I just don't understand this.
Re: Caine's Micheal Myers Sculpt (NEW PICS) 2 PAINTED/HAIRED SPOTS LEFT!

First let me say that I'm glad you guys are happy with having a sculptor here offering what you've wanted, with very good details at a price that allows you to own. I'm always for more people offering sculpts, especially horror. And at prices like these don't come along all the time.

Having said that, I'm not understanding the bashing. Yes, I understand that customs from Beto AND other customizers and sculptors are high in price. Believe me, I love to own all of Beto's stuff but can not afford everything. But I'm not going to bash someone because of it. Wish I could of afford Pennywise, Fluffy and Original short arm Freddy. But I'm not going to bash the guy for it.

I have shopped around and continue to shop around with many people on this threads and other sites. For a full clothing figure, painted and with great details, $400-$600 is actually fair compare to what other people offer. _____, I've been quoted $400-$500 for just one commission on one sculpt unpainted. Yet I'm not seeing this much hate in their threads.

If yo can get something with great quality at a good price, great!! Go for it. But I just don't understand this.

I think betos stuff is amaizing and wish I could afford all of it but have to pick and choose and as far as horror customizers go I say the more the better so can we please quit all of this on this thread I don't want to see it closed
Re: Caine's Micheal Myers Sculpt (NEW PICS) 2 PAINTED/HAIRED SPOTS LEFT!

I think betos stuff is amaizing and wish I could afford all of it but have to pick and choose and as far as horror customizers go I say the more the better so can we please quit all of this on this thread I don't want to see it closed

Re: Caine's Micheal Myers Sculpt (NEW PICS) 2 PAINTED/HAIRED SPOTS LEFT!

I think betos stuff is amaizing and wish I could afford all of it but have to pick and choose and as far as horror customizers go I say the more the better so can we please quit all of this on this thread I don't want to see it closed

:exactly:. Caine, do your magic here. Love to see more of your work.