Caine's Michael Myers Sculpt

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Re: Caine's Michael Myers Sculpt (NEW PICS) 2 PAINTED/HAIRED SPOTS LEFT!

I'm in for a painted, haired please.:yess::yess:
Re: Caine's Michael Myers Sculpt (NEW PICS) 2 PAINTED/HAIRED SPOTS LEFT!

Right on! so glad so many people are interested! been working all night since I got home from work! Motivated! lol

Btw, The head in the pictures at the beginning of the post has sprayed and modeled hair. I used just straight hairspray to flatten and model the hair. Would you guys prefer this or just dry, cut, unstyled hair? thanks guys!
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Re: Caine's Michael Myers Sculpt (NEW PICS) 2 PAINTED/HAIRED SPOTS LEFT!

Right on! so glad so many people are interested! been working all night since I got home from work! Motivated! lol

Btw, The head in the pictures at the beginning of the post has sprayed and modeled hair. I used just straight hairspray to flatten and model the hair. Would you guys prefer this or just dry, cut, unstyled hair? thanks guys!

I,d Have To See Pic,s of Both Hair Styles Before i Can Choose ;)
Re: Caine's Michael Myers Sculpt (NEW PICS) 2 PAINTED/HAIRED SPOTS LEFT!

Hi, could you put me on the list for a painted with hair version on Caine's amazing myers please. I also live in the uk.
Re: Caine's Michael Myers Sculpt (NEW PICS) 2 PAINTED/HAIRED SPOTS LEFT!

Right on! so glad so many people are interested! been working all night since I got home from work! Motivated! lol

Btw, The head in the pictures at the beginning of the post has sprayed and modeled hair. I used just straight hairspray to flatten and model the hair. Would you guys prefer this or just dry, cut, unstyled hair? thanks guys!

Hi Caine, i prefer the hair from the pic on page 4 of your earlier thread, the picture is of of myers on a side view.
Re: Caine's Micheal Myers Sculpt (NEW PICS) 2 PAINTED/HAIRED SPOTS LEFT!

Man if were talking jump suits too this just keeps getting better and better and as far as beto goes I'm not here to bash beto betos stuff is amazing and no one can deny it he chooses to make limited amounts of his product witch drives the price up but I will say the prices are crazy I got the Freddy he made easily my favorite Freddy made of all time an easy buy for me I look at it as art witch it is and as far as un licensed goes most of the horror stuff doesn't have much of a chance for licensing so we have to turn to custom artist basically all I'm trying to say is Caine is doing a great thing here offering great sculpts at a great price because from what I've read he's just as much a horror fan as us and I thank you sir look very forward to this and future projects and we really shouldn't bash beto because of what he chooses to do with his product I use to think the same thing but then got my first beto custom and I'm hooked the attention to detail is amaizing easily a licensed product quality I'm done with my rant thanks Cain and betos still the man

First let me say that I'm glad you guys are happy with having a sculptor here offering what you've wanted, with very good details at a price that allows you to own. I'm always for more people offering sculpts, especially horror. And at prices like these don't come along all the time.

Having said that, I'm not understanding the bashing. Yes, I understand that customs from Beto AND other customizers and sculptors are high in price. Believe me, I love to own all of Beto's stuff but can not afford everything. But I'm not going to bash someone because of it. Wish I could of afford Pennywise, Fluffy and Original short arm Freddy. But I'm not going to bash the guy for it.

I have shopped around and continue to shop around with many people on this threads and other sites. For a full clothing figure, painted and with great details, $400-$600 is actually fair compare to what other people offer. _____, I've been quoted $400-$500 for just one commission on one sculpt unpainted. Yet I'm not seeing this much hate in their threads.

If yo can get something with great quality at a good price, great!! Go for it. But I just don't understand this.


Im all for new customizers coming on board and helping out the fans that can't afford the high end art some people are offering. But the bashing should stop. You never bought this guys stuff and never held it in hand to have a valid opion of it being overpriced. And who's to say Caine's stuff will be to your liking when you get it in hand?

Life has always taught me you get what you pay for. So be careful what you wish for bro. No offense to you Caine. I like your work but I dont think it should be used to start a war with another guy just trying to make his living in the custom market. If you guys dig Caines stuff cool then praise him and keep it moving. Dont bash Beto. Doesnt make any sense to me at all. :peace
Re: Caine's Michael Myers Sculpt (NEW PICS) 2 PAINTED/HAIRED SPOTS LEFT!

l'm in for a painted & haired one!
Re: Caine's Michael Myers Sculpt (NEW PICS) 2 PAINTED/HAIRED SPOTS LEFT!

count me in for painted and haired please
Re: Caine's Michael Myers Sculpt (NEW PICS) 2 PAINTED/HAIRED SPOTS LEFT!

Right on! so glad so many people are interested! been working all night since I got home from work! Motivated! lol

Btw, The head in the pictures at the beginning of the post has sprayed and modeled hair. I used just straight hairspray to flatten and model the hair. Would you guys prefer this or just dry, cut, unstyled hair? thanks guys!
I like how it looks in the pic so I'd stick with that personally.

Painted and haired porfavor! :wave

:rock :rock :rock
Re: Caine's Michael Myers Sculpt (NEW PICS) 2 PAINTED/HAIRED SPOTS LEFT!

I like how it looks in the pic so I'd stick with that personally.

:rock :rock :rock

Cool! will do! also, to hotslayer, and those interested, I'm away from my work for the moment, but I should have pictures of both hair styles to compare by tomorrow. Thanks again!
Re: Caine's Michael Myers Sculpt 1ST RUN CLOSED

Right on! so glad so many people are interested! been working all night since I got home from work! Motivated! lol

Btw, The head in the pictures at the beginning of the post has sprayed and modeled hair. I used just straight hairspray to flatten and model the hair. Would you guys prefer this or just dry, cut, unstyled hair? thanks guys!

Awesome man! :rock Can't wait!

I'd like mine styled. But if not no big deal. I'm no hair stylist, but I could probably manage.

l'm in for a painted & haired one!

Painted and haired porfavor! :wave

count me in for painted and haired please

Painted/haired please.

Sorry guys the last 2 spots went to Tracker Pred and adamcraig as they posted/messaged me first. I will put you guys on the waitlist in order of your posts, in case someone flakes out. I'm sure Caine would be up for a second round sometime though.
Re: Caine's Michael Myers Sculpt 1ST RUN CLOSED

I can style Caine, leave mine free flowing..... :naughty

Re: Caine's Michael Myers Sculpt 1ST RUN CLOSED

If its not too much trouble i'd like mine styled. Thanks again, Cain! :rock

Is shipping to Canada considered international? Stupid question I know but I doubt shipping up here is close to say overseas. No biggie regardless. :)
Re: Caine's Michael Myers Sculpt 1ST RUN CLOSED

If its not too much trouble i'd like mine styled. Thanks again, Cain! :rock

Is shipping to Canada considered international? Stupid question I know but I doubt shipping up here is close to say overseas. No biggie regardless. :)

No problem at all! I'll check into it and message you with the amount once its ready to go. thanks man!
Re: Caine's Michael Myers Sculpt 1ST RUN CLOSED

Also Styled Hair, Ready to Put on Body Cain...Thanks
Re: Caine's Michael Myers Sculpt 1ST RUN CLOSED

Caine is the maine! Haha. You guys have any suggestions for his next sculpt? Freddy? Killer of Killers?