Custom 1/6 Modern Wolverine by Tony and Salvador

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I want to say "put me on the list", but reality hits when I see $600+ is the minimum for this figure :thud: :lol

I guess I will be a spectator on this one. Looks like this might be a fun one to watch :D
Yeah that's ridiculously cool. How authentic can you get with the actual artist sculpting their own work? Nice.
i'm really GEEKED about you guys don't even know....i feel like i could prolly pay for this and just wait for it to come
This is a once in a lifetime thing where you get to own a perfect wolverine figure...the chance don't come by often, even though it's probably gonna be more expensive than a Batmobile, I am IN!

Add me to the list please!
Will the heads only be sold with full sets Tony?

the head will only be offer as full complete figure

$600?!?! Are the Coke cans included?

sorry, the coke cans are not included. but if you want some..... come down to LA, I'll treat you out :hi5:

count me in Tony...although i hope to have this wolvie at home before 2014... :p

our goals is to have this done before July, and Salvador works fairly fast. As for Crystal and I, we already do the suit ready, just need to do more measurement once the custom body been done sculpting. And yes.... full body sculpt:clap
A whole new sculpted body? Hmmm. I change my mind. Maybe I don't want to miss out on this.

Put me on the list :D
Yeah I'm in for sure. Put me on the list. Is it gonna come with all three heads or just one?