Custom '66 Batman Bat-Shield - Second Run Canceled - Deposits Refunded

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Re: Custom '66 Batman Bat-Shield - Now Accepting Deposits on 1st Run

OG - Sooooo glad you like the shield! Post pics if you get a chance.

Jroug - That spot just opened today. I'll plug you in and let you know when we start accepting deposits.

Great - thank you!
Re: Custom '66 Batman Bat-Shield - Now Accepting Deposits on 1st Run

any idea on when mine will be done and ready for shipment?
Re: Custom '66 Batman Bat-Shield - Now Accepting Deposits on 1st Run

Tobor64 & mightyq - Your shields are ready. Took me an extra day due to an unforeseen problem with one of them. I got it all fixed and replaced and these will hit the mail tomorrow...if I can get mightyq's address. For some reason I don't seem to have it. If anyone knows Marty, please ask him to contact me ASAP!

Ptassler - Yours is due this week. Please remit the balance minus your credit by the end of next week.

Erik_S - I'll see if I can work yours in this week as well. I'll keep the thread updated.
Re: Custom '66 Batman Bat-Shield - Now Accepting Deposits on 1st Run

Tobor64 & mightyq shields have shipped. Tracking numbers coming shortly.

PTassler - Get ready!

I think we will have all shields completed by the end of the month. Not sure if we will go live right away with the second run. I'll discuss with my brother. Only because we will definitely have to have a break in there for SDCC, so no shields will be made for about 2 weeks.

But then again, if we start taking deposits now, we can get the raw materials ordered and be ready to rock & roll right after SDCC.

There's pros & cons to each approach. My brother is here this week so we will discuss it and keep you guys updated. Of course, that's assuming we get the minimum orders/ deposits to go live with the second run.
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Re: Custom '66 Batman Bat-Shield - Now Accepting Deposits on 1st Run

Just let me know when you are ready for my deposit. Any time is a good time for me!
Re: Custom '66 Batman Bat-Shield - Now Accepting Deposits on 1st Run

Ptassler & Eric S - we will be about a day or two sending your shields out. They are both complete but I might not make it to the post office until Monday or Tuesday. The delay will also give us enough time to get bnagra32's shield out with this post office run as well. Having my brother here helped kick production up a little so we will have 3 shields completed and ready to ship this week.

Mightyq & Tobor64 - Your tracking says the shields have landed at your door steps. Please let us know your thoughts.

After some discussion, we have decided to start taking deposits for the second run a week after the first run is completed. We will get orders for materials in and start any pre-production we can. There will be a two week shut down during SDCC. So there's that but we think we've devised a way to try and cut some fabrication time down so we can make up that time.

We will send out a PM and email to all those folks on the 2nd run list. Please DO NOT send deposits until you are contacted.

Please remember we take feedback scores and rep points as well! :)

Thanks Freaks for your support!
Re: Custom '66 Batman Bat-Shield - Now Accepting Deposits on 1st Run

Shield is spectacular! Extremely well-made...I'm so glad I ordered one.

Now, did someone mention you guys would be doing a Bat-zooka..?
Re: Custom '66 Batman Bat-Shield - Now Accepting Deposits on 1st Run

Tobor - Soooo glad you like it!

Still prototyping the Bat-Zooka...will show it as soon as we have it completed.

I'll standing by..!
Re: Custom '66 Batman Bat-Shield - Now Accepting Deposits on 1st Run

For sure! Thanks for the kind words!
Re: Custom '66 Batman Bat-Shield - Now Accepting Deposits on 1st Run

Ptassler & Eric S - your shields have shipped! I sent them out yesterday and I will email your tracking numbers shortly.

Bnagra - your shield will ship Monday.
Re: Custom '66 Batman Bat-Shield - Now Accepting Deposits on 1st Run

Ptassler & Eric S - Tracking says your shields have landed. Please let us know they arrived safely and let us know what you think.

Re: Custom '66 Batman Bat-Shield - Now Accepting Deposits on 1st Run

Final shield from the first run has been shipped!

I have not heard back from all the other guys who received one so I hope they really like the effort put into the shields.

We will start taking deposits for the second run next week. If enough guys are still interested, we will order the new shields & hinges after SDCC.

2nd run interest deposits will start being collected next week.

Thanks to all the first run participants who helped get this project rolling and trusting in us customizer newbies.
Re: Custom '66 Batman Bat-Shield - Now Accepting Deposits on 1st Run

Woohoo! We got them done before SDCC! Now for some fun! Good job Lee and guys, please give a shout out of your thoughts on the first project! We are really trying to make sure we get these out in a reasonable amount of time and I think we have! Hope you do too!
Re: Custom '66 Batman Bat-Shield - 1st Run Complete

ready to send the deposit man! just let me know...