Just got updates from the tailor regarding the Australian shipping:
- Currently there are only two flights a week that's going to Australia from Korea which is on Wednesday & Saturday
- And because of the limited 2 flights in a week, there's a high delivery volume for sending out item to Australia
- Current update: The item just got picked up
- The Korean post office also can't explain why there's a significant increase of volume within these past few weeks
- One of the Australian buyer already raised this issue when we want to ship the items, and the tailor already confirming with the Korean post office before sending the item out using Premium EMS. The post office doesn't said about the high volume shipping, they only told the tailor that there will be a potential delay but nothing major. And the shipping is not blocked or anything like that.
- The post office estimate there will be 2-3 weeks delay for Australian shipping, so please expect delay for Australian buyer.
That's all the updates from the tailor, don't worry we will monitor the progress closely.
Thank you again guys.