Of course. I posted these over in the IRIS run and that jacket got close but in the end was still too short.
Here's the easiest ref to see the length and comparison with the Yunsil length:
View attachment 425887
You can clearly see in the first three Raiders pics that the length is nearly as long as the sleeve. The last two are ToD but length is close.
View attachment 425888
Again, opening of Raiders, jacket hangs nearly as long as the sleeve...
View attachment 425889
Very rough comparison but you can see that Yunsil's "bomber" length jacket is no where near long enough.
I think most people have seen these refs before but hopefully it will sink in.
If you can get the jacket length proper, then I would be interested... although I hope we can get enough people to bring the price down even further to what you quoted above. Perhaps if your tailor can show the material in advance (color and suppleness) that would go along way to getting people excited. At this point, almost everyone interested in Indy has the Yunsil or Iris jacket, so this really has to be incredibly accurate to get everyone to spend more for the upgrade. It HAS to be an upgrade.