Caine's Michael Myers Sculpt

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Re: Caine's Michael Myers Sculpt (First 10 Payments Due)

Any ida when the next 10 will be ready? Im #15 on the list!!!

I'd like to be done a week from now, but no later than two weeks. when I start wrapping up I'll send everyone a message with payment info. can't tell you guys how happy I am that you like my work!
Re: Caine's Michael Myers Sculpt (First 10 Payments Due)

If I missed anyone of the blank list let me know! :lecture

Ecko, bro, thank you so much for your pictures! I am crazy ready for this sculpt to be in hand now. Caine you absolutely killed this bro!


If that is really Ones Old 78.... Caine, you just smashed one of the most sought after Myers sculpts, for your FIRST release! Holy ____ man! You are on your way to being one of the top sculptors around this place! Can't praise this sculpt enough.... even though it could be a little dirtied. :nana: :lol That matters not though, at this price, for this qaulity of a sculpt I'd be a prick to complain about something so insignificant.

Re: Caine's Michael Myers Sculpt (First 10 Payments Due)

Got my head today. Holy ____. Pics don't do justice. I'll post pics when I get home in less than an hr. And I'll be leaving Caine great feedback.
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Re: Caine's Michael Myers Sculpt (First 10 Payments Due)

Awesome pics - so ready to get Mike all put together!
Re: Caine's Michael Myers Sculpt (First 10 Payments Due)

Awesome pics - so ready to get Mike all put together!


Me too, the coveralls are on their way as is the body. He'll be assembled soon enough :panic:
Re: Caine's Michael Myers Sculpt (First 10 Payments Due)

Its such a spot on sculpt. Isn't it Morbach? Congrats man. Great pics.

Cant wait to see Mikey put together
Re: Caine's Michael Myers Sculpt (First 10 Payments Due)

Its such a spot on sculpt. Isn't it Morbach? Congrats man. Great pics.

Cant wait to see Mikey put together
Thanks bro, it really is. You know how you know it's good? It looks like William Shatner and alot of Myers heads and masks don't. Caine got this down. :rock

I just got my suit in the mail today


No head though huh? we are on opposite ends aren't we? :lol
Re: Caine's Michael Myers Sculpt (First 10 Payments Due)

I'd like to be done a week from now, but no later than two weeks. when I start wrapping up I'll send everyone a message with payment info. can't tell you guys how happy I am that you like my work!

:rock :rock :rock :rock :rock :rock :rock :rock :rock :rock
Re: Caine's Michael Myers Sculpt (First 10 Payments Due)

Oh my all these pics look awesome! Cant wait to get mine!
Re: Caine's Michael Myers Sculpt (First 10 Payments Due)

Hey Caine, these pics look great. Just shot you a PM. I'm #9 on the list. Any idea on when mine will be going out?

Thanks!!! The sculpts look excellent so far.
Re: Caine's Michael Myers Sculpt (First 10 Payments Due)

Your Myers rocks, Mr. Ecko! The knife turned out great!
Re: Caine's Michael Myers Sculpt (First 10 Payments Due)

Man I can't wait to get this guy all I need now is the head and my evilface decal and he's complete I'm so keloid of everyone who has him already
Re: Caine's Michael Myers Sculpt (First 10 Payments Due)

Knife looks awesome! All of the first ten sculpts are shipped. Sorry to those who didn't get notifications from paypal that they shipped out. If you didn't, pm me and I'll get it for ya.