Clothing set [LIST CLOSED] 1/6 Accurate Indiana Jones Jacket

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Owning both a Wested and a Steele and Jones, honestly there is no comparison. The S&J blows the Wested away, but then again it was tailor made.
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I think the jacket should be long, but it came out too long. It should be looser but it came out too big. The right intent but it fall
Short in the execution. The excess bulk under the arms and at the sides is the thing that concerns me most and something I would like them to amend

I’m happy to see the tailor revisit this because I haven’t seen anything come close to blowing me away in the pics and most of you know I’m all about getting my hands dirty and modding something but for like 700 bucks having to deliberately shrink something by hand is just not a solve anyone should even have to contemplate.

the good news is that all this stuff is fixable as the bones of this are good but the tailor just fell short at the finish line.
I think the jacket should be long, but it came out too long. It should be looser but it came out too big. The right intent but it fall
Short in the execution. The excess bulk under the arms and at the sides is the thing that concerns me most and something I would like them to amend

I’m happy to see the tailor revisit this because I haven’t seen anything come close to blowing me away in the pics and most of you know I’m all about getting my hands dirty and modding something but for like 700 bucks having to deliberately shrink something by hand is just not a solve anyone should even have to contemplate.

the good news is that all this stuff is fixable as the bones of this are good but the tailor just fell short at the finish line.
Well said bro. I think this jacket is definitely well made but as I have said I would have liked it to be shorter to how the jackets have been done before. I think if some are satisfied with how it is now length wise then that is great and they got what they wanted right. But for me (and maybe a few others) who might feel like it's not 100% something I'm satisfied with I'd love if the tailor would be willing to shorten it as he fixes the issues it has seeing as how he will take it apart in order to fix it regardless. And as you said it's 700 bucks it should be exactly what we paid for and be happy with it at the very least. Not to put down the effort Jagzz or the artist did of course that's not what I mean, I just want this to be the final jacket to my Indy so I don't have to feel like I have to keep spending on this character.
OK, let's harp...

Again, very rough comparison from two different movies but not off the mark.

my COMP back 8-8-21.jpg

my COMP front 8-8-21.jpg

As far as each individual getting their own personal adjustments, I don't see that as fair. We all agreed on the shape and length -- where the tailor deviated from that agreement, then of course I do believe correction is warranted. But asking for other general fixes now seems a little late. I've never seen that opportunity offered before.
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I'm not sure how accurate is but they have a lot of info on the Raiders jacket including the fact there was 14 jackets and they all had differences so trying to make ONE correct Indy jacket is going to be near impossible. We know there was more than one hat used in the film also. Anyone who's bought a 1:1 Indy hat will know the phrase turned or not turned in relation to Indy hats.

That said, the site posts this pic and whilst he has his hands in his pockets it gives a fair indication of length of that particular jacket


It doesn't fall all that far below the belt line even given it is not 100% straight. Leading me to believe that these jackets are indeed a little too long as Luis has pointed out. Thus why in my opinion the Iris jacket is the ideal length. Longer than Yunsil and Kato but shorter than this.

Now as Wor-Gar has said however, it was kind of "speak now or forever hold your peace" it's a bit late to ask for adjustments based solely on length.

Sizing, fit and QC issues are a different matter however. I too believe as has been mentioned for $700 you should not be expected to have to shrink your jacket to get it to fit properly.
OK, let's harp...

Again, very rough comparison from two different movies but not off the mark.

View attachment 436259

View attachment 436260

As far as each individual getting their own personal adjustments, I don't see that as fair. We all agreed on the shape and length -- where the tailor deviated from that agreement, then of course I do believe correction is warranted. But asking for other general fixes now seems a little late. I've never seen that opportunity offered before.
One shot is temple of doom jacket not the same jacket as raiders. And that image isn't showing the full shot it's still short. Second shot the jacket is hanging over the shoulder like it should. How about these examples in terms of length? And also what is unfair about it, because some of us feel it's not exactly what we imagined. Also we agreed that it would be shorten when we revised the prototype it seems it never was it still kept the same length. Since we are paying a lot of money for this jacket we should be satisfied, that means fixing whatever needs to be fixed that didn't work in the execution. If this going to be the last jacket I buy I at least want my moneys worth. It's fine if your happy with it but don't expect everyone to have the same feeling. Especially after all the issues some of us found.
I can see both sides of the argument but ultimately I do agree that the modifications should be universal and not bespoke per individual ( although I could also argue you can get a designer suit for 700 dollars and personal modifications is usually included in the price too) i’m just not seeing in the final product, what the tailor showed in the prototype so that was my only (and I suspect a few others) real concerns.

As for the length of the jacket, to my eyes at least and I know it’s different on everyone’s figure build, even the companion shots to the film stills there vs Luis’ which is the best I’ve seen it look overall so far, it still seems a bit too long.

i may be able to live with that if it’s an accuracy question or something that varies from scene to scene then it becomes one of those things that’s up to personal interpretation like the color of the Star Trek shirts or whatever accuracy vs on screen looks etc. or people thinking robocop is purple because of the film lighting and color processing when the real color of the outfit had variances all over the place and was actually painted more green so it picked up cool metallic highlights for the way the film was lit

It’s just the excess bulk in the sides and the sleeve length that compounds the over sized ness further so all together it just pretty much inarguably, looks like it’s a larger than 1/6 scale jacket which is what makes it a bit easier to pick on the length.

the jacket was a bit longer on the prototype for my taste too but something I was definitely willing to go with the group on. Just wondering why it ended up looking so different in the final product of it was tailored to the solo body (which I always kind of thought was too fat for Indy but definitely the best readily available option to use so therefore the right call) since many people posted final product photos of it on that actual body.

in any case I did want to shout out and give a big thanks to Jag who’s been handling this whole run amazingly. I’m sure we will get there in the end
Yeah I think it's all done at this point. I feel like I'm overreacting and I'm partially stressed with the QC issues. But I'm getting over the length the more I play with it and pose it on my Indy. I also have to believe in Jagzz and the Tailor and that they will deliver the fixes and make the jacket better now. This is in the end the best jacket we have gotten, and with a lot of time into futzing, it will be the best looking one for sure. So I hope to see more images of everyone's Indy to come.
Scar aside, I do think Luis's jacket looks to be among the better ones straight out of the box, with the slimmer sleeves and all. Would be curious to see some more full body shots in daylight, perhaps from farther away to minimize the lens distortion.

After all the photos we've seen on various bodies, some of which are among the larger good options for Indy (TOD, Zorro, ANH Solo), the final product does still look to be about 5-10% too large to me.

I guess I'm confused what the tailor would be doing if someone felt their jacket was ill-fitting Would he just apply the heat treatment? Take in the sleeves if they're loose?

Looking at Chili's photo, post-treatment mind you, it doesn't look too far off from the prototype in terms of overall size.
I know for me at this point, when I send mine back, I’m hoping for matching sleeves to the grain of the body on mine. Pockets too. I’m fine with fit st this point, but I’d also be willing to ship him my Kato jacket so he can see the level of perfection in the stitching lines as well. That’s something that the Kato wins big on compared to this
Scar aside, I do think Luis's jacket looks to be among the better ones straight out of the box, with the slimmer sleeves and all. Would be curious to see some more full body shots in daylight, perhaps from farther away to minimize the lens distortion.

After all the photos we've seen on various bodies, some of which are among the larger good options for Indy (TOD, Zorro, ANH Solo), the final product does still look to be about 5-10% too large to me.

I guess I'm confused what the tailor would be doing if someone felt their jacket was ill-fitting Would he just apply the heat treatment? Take in the sleeves if they're loose?

Looking at Chili's photo, post-treatment mind you, it doesn't look too far off from the prototype in terms of overall size.
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I'll take some final images of it in daylight bud, then I'll send it back to have fixed by the tailor like the excess leather and that scar on the chest. Pockets also if they need them I think after further looking at them they are ok but only he will know once he sees it. I actually like how you can put the collar up like the Havitio temple scene. Actually what's funny and you guys might not know since I didn't mention it. I'm using a Joe Colton body which is basically the same as the banner except I switched the arms out to the ANH han solo ones. I think the body worked well with the jacket and turned out better then I'd imagine.
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Hi Guys,

Sorry here's some more updates on the latest jacket, so this is the standard that we will delivered from now on.




Hopefully this will met everyone expectation, again for the sleeves.. I discussing with the tailor intensely on this.
So probably we will have some kind of minor adjustment to make sure it not that loose on the arms.. because not everyone have ability to futz maybe we need to make a minor adjustment on it.
Latest updates from the tailor, this week we will have 5 jackets like this ready to ship.. and the batch 2 will be priority to ship.
Let me know if you have any questions.
to those shipping their jackets back for corrections. Is the tailor paying the shipping both directions for you? Are you further out of pocket shipping costs?
to those shipping their jackets back for corrections. Is the tailor paying the shipping both directions for you? Are you further out of pocket shipping costs?
I think we are supposed to pay to ship it ourselves and once it's done the tailor sends it back himself no charge. I think Jagzz can elaborate more if I'm not on the nose.
I think we are supposed to pay to ship it ourselves and once it's done the tailor sends it back himself no charge. I think Jagzz can elaborate more if I'm not on the nose.
well that doesn't sound fair to me. You shouldn't have to pay shipping either direction imho
well that doesn't sound fair to me. You shouldn't have to pay shipping either direction imho
It also helps the tailor to borne the cost of the revision plus he will ship it back with his own money, good people in the Batch 1 don't have any issues with this, I don't know why you should have problem with this as you're not even on Batch 1?
Stop stirring the thread, everyone is very understanding and productive in here.
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It also helps the tailor to borne the cost of the revision plus he will ship it back with his own money, good people in the Batch 1 don't have any issues with this, I don't know why you should have problem with this as you're not even on Batch 1?
Stop stirring the thread, everyone is very understanding and productive in here.
Well, that is rude !!

also ridiculous.

That's not revisions, that's producing the product as originally advertised. Revisions would be something like altering the jacket from the prototype shown.

If the result is unsatisfactory and solely the fault of the tailor I fail to see why the buyer should be further out of pocket. They've paid for shipping once for the product to be sent correctly.

and it's not stirring the thread, the reason I raise it is because I'd like to know that if besides the extra checking being done currently that the jacket I receive will be as exactly as promised or I shall not need to pay for any further postage, it is the right thing to do. Postage has already cost $65AUD for this jacket.
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The shipping cost isn't a huge issue for me. I'd just be happy to receive a jacket that has the QC I paid for. The arms were particularly really bad on mine. There is however a level of stress and anxiety involved in sending such an expensive item back as I've sent items out to Korea in the past and one of them ended up in Bulgaria.

I do think more photos of the final proto could have helped prevent all of the uncertainty around the fitting. So front side and back shots of arms up, jacket closed etc. Even having the proto sent to a couple more people driving the measurements to ensure satisfaction before final production, would have been a good approval process. I would have been happy to have delayed the production until we were 100% certain.

I agree there is too much bulk at the sides. I hope the revised jackets have amended this as when you close the jacket it is quite baggy at the sides and in the bar scene the closed jacket looks taut to the body, that is how we can determine the fit is too loose. Compared to this the length isn't much of an issue to me as I've seen images of the stuntmen jackets zipped up looking as short as Yunsils, so they all vary.

The shipping cost isn't a huge issue for me. I'd just be happy to receive a jacket that has the QC I paid for. The arms were particularly really bad on mine. There is however a level of stress and anxiety involved in sending such an expensive item back as I've sent items out to Korea in the past and one of them ended up in Bulgaria.

I do think more photos of the final proto could have helped prevent all of the uncertainty around the fitting. So front side and back shots of arms up, jacket closed etc. Even having the proto sent to a couple more people driving the measurements to ensure satisfaction before final production, would have been a good approval process. I would have been happy to have delayed the production until we were 100% certain.

I agree there is too much bulk at the sides. I hope the revised jackets have amended this as when you close the jacket it is quite baggy at the sides and in the bar scene the closed jacket looks taut to the body, that is how we can determine the fit is too loose. Compared to this the length isn't much of an issue to me as I've seen images of the stuntmen jackets zipped up looking as short as Yunsils, so they all vary.

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How does your package go from Korea to Bulgaria? Lol also I agree, I think it's not a huge deal to pay your end of shipping as long as the tailor is willing to send it back free that's ok with me also. Plus the stuntman jacket isn't really an accurate example simply because they changed the pattern a bit to remove the backs wind breaker in order for the stunt man to wear a body vest so he didn't scrape his body up during filming but they kept the length and fit consistent on all the jackets used.