Compliments of Robbiethepainter and MOE! :yess:
I'm thinking of making this into a full figure with custom foam packaging, COA, etc. I'm designing the bulky silicone arms to slip over the arms on a TTM19. Do you guys own this body already? If most of you already own the body, you could send to me and I could put it together for you (organize the painting with Robbie, get the outfits from Moe, etc.)
Another option would be to make this a kit you put together yourself. Meaning you get the unpainted kit from me and outfit from Moe.
If anyone has a preference, let me know.
Here is estimated cost breakdown:
Kit: Head, hat, pipe, neck adaptor, shoes, arms: 125
Paint: 120
Outfit: 215
TTM19 Body: 120
Packaging: 25
shipping: TBD
DX accessories (optional): TBD