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Canes: The bane of my customizing career… May be coming to an end (Please God.)

First - I have not been dodging you guys. I have been working from about 8AM in the morning to 2AM with a small break in the afternoon to pretend to be a husband and dad for a few hours at night, for about 7 weeks now. Not a lot of time to catch up on the boards a lot, and yes - it’s a lot quicker to post on my Facebook page then to dig through the forums with the little time I have had to call “free”

This isn’t looking for pity - just an honest answer to those who wonder where the heck I’ve been.

So - I have already covered the last rounds of castors I have tried. I was going to use my Cowl guy - a great castor, but ran into the same issue of a two part mold causing seams running down the shaft and there is no way to hide that.

The next two options were to just cast the cane heads then glue them but they just broke off too easy.

Enter my boss. My boss at work (With Chronicle Collectibles) has been working with prop replicas and molds and casting for years. He has a solution that seems to be a solid option. He will be helping me cast styrene rods in the molds and cast the handles directly to the rods. This will cause them to adhere to the cane and allow me to keep off set seams from the shaft which has been the hold up the whole time.

Honest to God guys, I have exhausted all options I have had to me. I even reached out to a few factories and unless I was doing 500 of them there was not a chance of that happening either.

Most of my office will be off to Con this week but I will be getting to this when they get back the week after next. I will keep you guys posted about the progress on it.

I have promised you guys that this will get done and I have not let it go.
Dean... Bruce needs his cane.
When's this gonna happen?

Anyway it's a great sculpt. In the meantime, here's a pic of Bruce waiting for his cane...

Thanks, Dean! It's been fun putting this figure together, albeit quite a bit of work.
I did the robe myself, including real suede on the collar & sleeves.
The rest I pieced together & modified from existing clothes.
I weathered/dyed the suede yesterday, so it's darker than the pic I posted and matches the look of the film.

Thanks for info on the cane; really hoping it works out.
I've just purchased a cane from that super duck set, just to have something for now.
But really want your custom designed cane, as it is screen accurate
while the superduck one isnt.

Again, the sculpt is spot on Bale. Great job on it! I really dig it...

This is such a disappointment. I STILL HAVE NOT RECEIVED MY CANE. Really, really, pi$$e$ me off how this guy doesn't care. Since 2012. Unbelievable.
Hey guys... I finally got confirmation that these are being produced after CNY with another project I have at a factory. To tack it onto another project was the only way to have them professionally produced due to the quantity. These will ship in the spring. (April)
This is such a disappointment. I STILL HAVE NOT RECEIVED MY CANE. Really, really, pi$$e$ me off how this guy doesn't care. Since 2012. Unbelievable.

You know, if I really didn't care I would have told you all "Too bad" and just left it at that. Or ran off like a lot of other guys have done over the years.

Instead I have held out hoping to find a way to make this right for 3 years and 2 months.

I have gone through 4 casters and at 2 or more factories - CNC mills - Machine shops... To try to make something that does not look like the crap everyone has produced on these so far.

Was I supposed to refund the, what- $5-$8 or so and leave a head that only was seen with a cane in the movie, without a cane?

Seeing that that didn't make anyone lose their nest-egg I thought it best to keep this going until I found a solution (which I have)

I'm not looking for sympathy or to change the fact that many of you are pissed or at the least irritated by this whole thing. Frankly I'm pissed off about the whole thing too. How hard is it to make a freaking cane? Apparently, pretty hard.

I have had too many people tell me over the past few years (and up to this month) that they can do this or that - only to not deliver and that falls back on me to you guys.

So be mad - I am too over this thing - but to say I don't care... That's just not true.
Seeing that that didn't make anyone lose their nest-egg I thought it best to keep this going until I found a solution (which I have)

If you said you've found a solution back in February and it's now May.... why have we not received our canes yet? You see, you truly don't care. You're ignoring this expecting some of us to just give up and forget. I still need that cane that I paid for.
It's funny that you wrote in your reply that you would refund $5-$8 dollars for the cane alone, when everyone knows that if you would've offered it by itself, you would charge $20-$30 for it. Either way, whatever price you want to put to it, it's OUR money that we paid you and you're just waiting for us to give up on it.
Hey guys - this is still moving ahead with another project I have in production as promised. It is with the Relic Stand and helmet if you wish to follow the progression of that project. Look for updates as soon as I get them. This was originally slated for April but the relic stand was resized and pushed it back a month in production with the factory.
Thanks, Dean.

It's been a long wait for these; I'll be excited to finally get this to complete my recluse Bruce.

Keeping my fingers crossed. :pray:

Your recent works (Kylo, DD, relic stand) has been really impressive, btw.