The Recluse Billionaire (TDKR) SOLD OUT

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Hey Dean, are the canes still to be shipped by end of February?

CREG Customs
Re: The Recluse Billionaire (TDKR) SOLD OUT

First few rounds failed. But - they are in production this week. I was texted a photo of a clean cast yesterday.

There will be no seam on these canes which is what the problem has been from day one...

All orders should ship in Feb. I will post the finished canes as soon as I have them in-hand.
Seeing posts like this is making me loose faith in Greg's Customs products....plenty of sculpts out there that a year has went by and still nothing.
Seeing posts like this is making me loose faith in Greg's Customs products....plenty of sculpts out there that a year has went by and still nothing.

Sorry to hear that. It's pathetic how long the accessory for this head has taken but but there are no current products that have been outstanding for a year.

Feb is long gone and here is where this thing is.

Here are pics of the only batch I received of the canes since Jan.


The one broke off is from trimming off the pour point and finding an air bubble under it.

The others just had an air bubbles at the end of the handles.

Then a few had air in the shaft causing weak spots and bulges:


So after meeting with him this past week I told him I will no longer be bringing my 1/6 work to him.

He is good at small scale items but 1/6 scale is not his forte.

I have talked to my new caster as late as this afternoon and he will be taking on the canes.

All I wanted was to cast them in black so there would be no issues in scratching. That's just not possible it now seems.

So the first try will be to see if they can be cast whole but if there is too much shifting that cannot be sanded and keep their shape then I will cast the handles only and build them out with styrene and paint them all by hand.

I know some of you are pissed and if you want to call BS then that's your prerogative but it is important to me to not release crap. I've owned the delays before but I can't control other peoples work. I was told Feb so that's what I passed on to you. That deal wasn't kept so it's time to move on.

Again - these will be finished. And if you no longer have the piece I will be offering a discount on a future order soon.

I will be seeing my new caster - who is delivering GREAT product - Wed afternoon.

I'll let you know what he thinks.

You guys are always welcomed to contact me through email too if you like. [email protected]

why there is no respon

It's almost 2 years since I received the HS and the cane is still not available. If the cane can not be delivered, then just refund and get it over with.

I hate to be a nuisance and constantly bugging for reply. I just want to receive what I pay for. Is that too much to ask for?:gah:
Last edited: make no sense that we have to keep chasing, and the last update is two month ago, would CREG show some respect to us?