Clothing set [LIST CLOSED] 1/6 Accurate Indiana Jones Jacket

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I asked him earlier and yes he did. They are
3cm right shoulder, 3.2 left

OK, I was just curious as his picture comparison next to the kato jacket didn't look so bad. I actually like the look and coloring of the jagzz jacket better... but the sleeves do look oversized. More distracting than the shoulders to me.
Hi Geoff,

Thanks for the picture.. honestly yours look perfect... again if anyone received a subpar jacket from batch 1, please contact me and we will work things out.

I'll make sure everyone got perfect jacket!
Jagzz, thanks for making this happen! Now I need a Joe Strain whip to go with this jacket!
That pocket position looks much better on Indiana Fetts. How does the thickness of the leather compare to the Kato?

The arms do look a bit puffy. Are they the same as on the proto on the front page? As they look slimmer on that.
Just a heads up though, wet leather will shrink so don't completely soak it right off the bat. Dampen but don't saturate.
Some might be ok with the shrinkage 😆
Oh I don't doubt it ;) Especially in the body and sleeves. Leather doesn't scale well at times. I will say the workmanship is evident, despite those in-hand pictures. Perhaps not every piece is like that? I do hope you folks don't have to deal with sending them all back and all that. Yikes.
Just a heads up though, wet leather will shrink so don't completely soak it right off the bat. Dampen but don't saturate.

That's why I asked before, I thought there might be risk of shrinkage. As I pointed out, leather holsters shrink up nicely once wet. 'Nicely' is a matter of opinion of course.

But it could help oversized sleeves quite a bit.
Some might be ok with the shrinkage 😆

I was thinking an overnight soak in a bath might be needed. :LOL:

Just woke up to pages of reading *lol*

My thoughts are there's no getting around some issues here...

Dane's pocket is in a non agreed position, the difference in the shoulder seams is noticeable at this scale and still too baggy, arms especially.

Indiana Paul's is better, but ToD is a very big body too and even then his probably only just passes as an ok fit, it's still pretty big. Not sure how ToD compares to ANH Solo in dimensions. Any smaller body will not do.

I think Jagzz is sadly caught in the middle and this is NOT his fault, I'm sorry that he's under this pressure.

I think this is 100% on the tailor. Not Jagzz, not us, not anyone rushing or pressuring be honest, I don't think anyone really did. I re-read the entire thread. People just wanted updates and pictures, that's really not too much to ask.

Remember the tailor said this was going to ready in March initially we're one day away from August.

If there's costs associated with getting it right, it should come out of the tailor's profit margin, not on Jagzz or customer to foot that bill. The tailor is the professional here and should make sure everything is checked and double checked. Put on a body and checked for fit and accuracy before it goes out at this price. I run my own business too, you can't charge a customer for something that is not their fault in any way. The one jacket costs more than a whole Yunsil set of clothing. He can afford to take extra time and care to get it perfect. Set more realistic timeframes and expectations in peoples minds also. I think he's bitten off more than he could chew. Making 1 jacket is one thing, doing a whole run is something different.

Again, I want to reiterate I have seen Jagzz been nothing but helpful and I appreciate his efforts, this must be tough in his position, thank you Jagzz
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I was thinking an overnight soak in a bath might be needed. :LOL:

Just woke up to pages of reading *lol*

My thoughts are there's no getting around some issues here...

Dane's pocket is in a non agreed position, the difference in the shoulder seams is noticeable at this scale and still too baggy, arms especially.

Indiana Paul's is better, but ToD is a very big body too and even then his probably only just passes as an ok fit, it's still pretty big. Not sure how ToD compares to ANH Solo in dimensions. Any smaller body will not do.

I think Jagzz is sadly caught in the middle and this is NOT his fault, I'm sorry that he's under this pressure.

I think this is 100% on the tailor. Not Jagzz, not us, not anyone rushing or pressuring be honest, I don't think anyone really did. I re-read the entire thread. People just wanted updates and pictures, that's really not too much to ask.

Remember the tailor said this was going to ready in March initially we're one day away from August.

If there's costs associated with getting it right, it should come out of the tailor's profit margin, not on Jagzz or customer to foot that bill. The tailor is the professional here and should make sure everything is checked and double checked. Put on a body and checked for fit and accuracy before it goes out at this price. I run my own business too, you can't charge a customer for something that is not their fault in any way. The one jacket costs more than a whole Yunsil set of clothing. He can afford to take extra time and care to get it perfect. Set more realistic timeframes and expectations in peoples minds also. I think he's bitten off more than he could chew. Making 1 jacket is one thing, doing a whole run is something different.

Again, I want to reiterate I have seen Jagzz been nothing but helpful and I appreciate his efforts, this must be tough in his position, thank you Jagzz

This 100%!
I may have missed it but can we get some verification that the tailor is indeed going to make sure the sleeves are not baggy and that the pocket will be in the the proper position? IMO all the jackets need to be fitted on the body once completed and pass the quality control inspection. I think Indiana Fett’s images could be used as a guide.
I was thinking an overnight soak in a bath might be needed. :LOL:

Just woke up to pages of reading *lol*

My thoughts are there's no getting around some issues here...

Dane's pocket is in a non agreed position, the difference in the shoulder seams is noticeable at this scale and still too baggy, arms especially.

Indiana Paul's is better, but ToD is a very big body too and even then his probably only just passes as an ok fit, it's still pretty big. Not sure how ToD compares to ANH Solo in dimensions. Any smaller body will not do.

I think Jagzz is sadly caught in the middle and this is NOT his fault, I'm sorry that he's under this pressure.

I think this is 100% on the tailor. Not Jagzz, not us, not anyone rushing or pressuring be honest, I don't think anyone really did. I re-read the entire thread. People just wanted updates and pictures, that's really not too much to ask.

Remember the tailor said this was going to ready in March initially we're one day away from August.

If there's costs associated with getting it right, it should come out of the tailor's profit margin, not on Jagzz or customer to foot that bill. The tailor is the professional here and should make sure everything is checked and double checked. Put on a body and checked for fit and accuracy before it goes out at this price. I run my own business too, you can't charge a customer for something that is not their fault in any way. The one jacket costs more than a whole Yunsil set of clothing. He can afford to take extra time and care to get it perfect. Set more realistic timeframes and expectations in peoples minds also. I think he's bitten off more than he could chew. Making 1 jacket is one thing, doing a whole run is something different.

Again, I want to reiterate I have seen Jagzz been nothing but helpful and I appreciate his efforts, this must be tough in his position, thank you Jagzz
Well said brother. 👏
I may have missed it but can we get some verification that the tailor is indeed going to make sure the sleeves are not baggy and that the pocket will be in the the proper position? IMO all the jackets need to be fitted on the body once completed and pass the quality control inspection. I think Indiana Fett’s images could be used as a guide.
100% agree

Before any more jackets go out. Every single jacket needs to be put on a fully clothed Solo body, checked for fit and accuracy. If I were the tailor I'd be taking photo's of each one as I go also.

It's much cheaper and easier to take a little bit of extra care before they go out rather than have to send them back again for alterations.
SERIOUSLY GUYS, we must ask the tailor to pause the whole shipping process and wait for us to summarize the problems that he should pay attention and be aware of.

And from now on, he will need to change the process. He should check and take photo for each of the jacket before shipping it out

I’m no kidding, now the jacket potentially become a 800$ stuff including the whole extra shipping fee not to mention if the size is incorrect then we will need to discuss if he will take the whole cost for redoing or we will have pay part of it which means it will become a over 1000$ jacket.

I'm trying to keep us away from triggering the huge bomb because I have been in to this kind of situation before.

People who were pushing before MUST STOP from now and give Jagzz and the tailor MORE TIME.
People who were pushing before MUST STOP from now and give Jagzz and the tailor MORE TIME.
Not one single person is pushing to get inaccurate jackets sent out, not one.

I do agree with you however that the tailor would be wise to take a photo of each jacket before shipping, I literally said that in my prior post.

It's time to take a chill pill and stop the hostility towards one another, no-one has done anything wrong here and no-one has caused this.

Lets hear from Jagzz on what discussions he's had with the tailor and how they think the path forward should look.