Clothing set [LIST CLOSED] 1/6 Accurate Indiana Jones Jacket

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Ok, so here's a comparison with the Iris Jacket (It's been weathered by Jacob Rahmier). Iris on Left. Then on the ANH Solo body, Iris 1st. My Indy sculpt isn't ready, so my Bespin is being used. I have two Indy outfits, but everything is in boxes and I can't get it now. But I think its clear that it's too large. Perhaps with a water treatment, you could make it look better, but I think there's just too much material. BTW, the button is there on the pocket, I just pressed against the leather to make it stand out. It does seem to be just a tad off center though. I love the leather, and the quality. It just looks 2 sizes too big to me. Sucks to mail it back overseas now.
Can anyone kind of crunch the front pocket area to get a little more wear into it? Just curious to see if that gives us anything. It is looking like there is excess material in the midsection from the back strap forward causing a boxy look from the shoulder line down to the pockets. From the back, you can see alot of bulging material on the side.
You need to lift the arms and tuck some of the jacket back then put the arms back down. Lol I wish I had it in hand.
Honestly, these pics help me feel a little better. The jacket looks nice. A bit big, and baggy but I think Indy wore his jacket big. Also, I feel I may be able to futz it just right.
Using Rmsceb's comparison, there does seem to be extra material in the chest which might be cause the issue with it bulging on the sides -- the extra material also forcing the jacket to close and look boxy. See how long the red line is...

If someone can measure this distance on both jackets we might get an idea.

The Iris Jacket looks better size wise. This jacket needs to be redone in terms of fitting i think that might help the size and we wouldn't get the boxed or oversize look it has now. It's a shame some of us will be sending it back.
Greg, here's some crunching 1st pic, then I tried to pull the material back as much as possible, w/wout bag clip. And some quick measurements. I think no amount of futzing will help "my" particular jacket. But maybe? I'll still work on it, but I think the Iris is a better fit.
If you put this jacket on the WorldBox "Wolverine" body, I bet it would look fine, more or less... unfortunately, that body isn't appropriate for Indy's size and shape.

Leather is notorious for being difficult to scale down.
Thanks for the crunching, Rmsceb! :) And the measurements. Just trying to isolate the issue if possible.

Based on the single measurement comparison, Jagzz looks to be little over a 1/4 inch more in the chest (if I'm reading it right). That's fairly substantial in 1/6th.

I think that might be what's creating that boxy look. The pattern that the tailor is using for the chest panel may be too wide.

But as more people get this, a definitely pattern is emerging.
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Looks way better clipped, but that’s a lot of material.

Yeah, the jacket should really part open somewhat when you push the shoulders back -- certainly shouldn't have to pull that much material.

Again, too much material in between that shoulder/arm seam and the edge of jacket.

Indy's real jacket tends to bunch up in that area a bit -- but getting 1/6th material to do that is very difficult without water-treatment and careful pinching to shape it. Then never touch it again. :LOL:
slightly better measurements (Iris 2nd pic)
View attachment 436025View attachment 436026

36mm compared to 42mm ???

C'mon, this is comical. no wonder it looks like kid Indy is wearing his Dad's jacket.

I want to remain positive and hopeful but in that scale 6mm is a HUGE amount. The fit needs a serious revisiting. You can't futz 6mm out.

In more positive news, I like that haired Han sculpt. Jnix ESB is it? Who did that? Never seen a haired Han sculpt before.
36mm compared to 42mm ???

C'mon, this is comical. no wonder it looks like kid Indy is wearing his Dad's jacket.

I want to remain positive and hopeful but in that scale 6mm is a HUGE amount. The fit needs a serious revisiting. You can't futz 6mm out.

In more positive news, I like that haired Han sculpt. Jnix ESB is it? Who did that? Never seen a haired Han sculpt before.
Thanks man! Yes, ESB Jnix. Mike "Hydeous" Ang painted and haired it. I have the ToriBox Bespin outfit and Robbie's holster/blaster set to go with it. Just need to put it all together. All my 1/6 has been in boxes for awhile.

And yeah, I'll be sending the Indy jacket back. Hopefully the tailor can size it down for a better fit.
36mm compared to 42mm ???

C'mon, this is comical. no wonder it looks like kid Indy is wearing his Dad's jacket.

I want to remain positive and hopeful but in that scale 6mm is a HUGE amount. The fit needs a serious revisiting. You can't futz 6mm out.

In more positive news, I like that haired Han sculpt. Jnix ESB is it? Who did that? Never seen a haired Han sculpt before.
Correction, technically that's the ANH Jnix Han. I got that from Mike before the Jnix ESB came out.
Correction, technically that's the ANH Jnix Han. I got that from Mike before the Jnix ESB came out.
Can't wait to see that all put together. How have you not done that yet ?? I couldn't wait to see that all together. I bought the toribox set and Robbies rig too and I absolutely love the combination. Your sculpt looks great too, he's done a good job of giving Han ESB style hair.

edit, and looking at the above photo's again it appears to be about 6mm oversized on each side, no wonder it needs a clip in the back, we're talking about approx 12 mm of extra fabric. That is a really significant amount.
it's a shame that in Rmsceb's pictures the body has no hands. I still feel like the sleeves could be a bit too baggy also but it's a bit too difficult to be certain without the hands for the complete look.
I think the artist might have made a mistake with the size after we gave him all the details on the fit he didn't have a figure body to measure it properly on. So he just tried to follow what was suggested without actually seeing the fit on a figure which can be very bad because not being able to tell what the size is never ends well. Again no blame goes to Jagzz or anyone I don't even think the artist is at fault stuff like this happens sometimes. To spread some positive vibes it will get sorted out in the end.
So what is our status now?..
Can Size be revised?
If it is, I can bare it as much as the tailor needs.
I think the artist might have made a mistake with the size after we gave him all the details on the fit he didn't have a figure body to measure it properly on. So he just tried to follow what was suggested without actually seeing the fit on a figure which can be very bad because not being able to tell what the size is never ends well. Again no blame goes to Jagzz or anyone I don't even think the artist is at fault stuff like this happens sometimes. To spread some positive vibes it will get sorted out in the end.

Agree with you. Does the tailor have a fully clothed Solo body (with hands) to work with? If not, he really does need that, I image that would help him a lot. If he does have one, he doesn't appear to be using it or surely errors of this magnitude wouldn't occur. Not sure if the pics in the original post are from the tailor or Jagzz, but the fit is obviously very different there. Maybe Jagzz can clarify the situation.
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