"The Dude" Sweater/T shirt and PJ set & Entropy shoes set *taking payments*

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Re: "The Dude" Sweater/T shirt and PJ set & Robe-shorts set & Entropy shoes set

Rainman is offering the sculpts again in April.

Ah , now that's how you kill a recaster, nice going by rm, and with talent like skiman etc, some awesome paint will be done on these...
Re: "The Dude" Sweater/T shirt and PJ set & Robe-shorts set & Entropy shoes set

I'm sure some people are buying off the recaster too...I'm waiting for RM's next batch, if it comes...
Re: "The Dude" Sweater/T shirt and PJ set & Robe-shorts set & Entropy shoes set

I, as well, am waiting on Rainman to rerelease his sculpts when he releases the Jules figure. Plus, can't go wrong if Aeon offers her painting talents this time around
Re: "The Dude" Sweater/T shirt and PJ set & Robe-shorts set & Entropy shoes set

Yeah, I won't support the recasters, so if Rainman doesn't do this I suggest folks lobby Rocco or Snyder-Man or someone else to handle a new sculpt. . .should maybe do that anyway to give folks some variety in their Dude collections ;)
Lets hope there's enough dude heads to go round on his site as when they go up its going to be like feeding time at the zoo ....... And god dammit I want that head grrrrrrrr ;)
Re: "The Dude" Sweater/T shirt and PJ set & Robe-shorts set & Entropy shoes set

Hey guys, I started on the sculpts for this a couple of weeks ago and then got really ill. I'm finally coming out of it and will resume work on this project as soon as I can. My inbox was full so if any of you were trying to message me please resend as I've now cleared space. :duff
Hey guys, I started on the sculpts for this a couple of weeks ago and then got really ill. I'm finally coming out of it and will resume work on this project as soon as I can. My inbox was full so if any of you were trying to message me please resend as I've now cleared space. :duff

Glad to hear ur back on ur feet entropy wonderd where you'd got to buddy.

Any wip pics am sure they would be greatly appreciated :)
Re: "The Dude" Sweater/T shirt and PJ set & Robe-shorts set & Entropy shoes set

deposit sent ;) Thanks Moe !!!!!!!

Thanks bro...
Waiting on 3 or 4 more 12midnight I start moving wait list up!
So if anyone knows them, give them shout!

Thanks all
Re: "The Dude" Sweater/T shirt and PJ set & Robe-shorts set & Entropy shoes set

Deposit sent earlier today!
Re: "The Dude" Sweater/T shirt and PJ set & Robe-shorts set & Entropy shoes set

Yup! :exactly:

I agree, go with Jason's pattern!

Guys I need you to really look at these designs because the one time we pic the design, it's done deal! So your help is appreciated...

I'm not taking anything away from RM but I think Jason's patterns seem movie accurate

What do you guys think? Your comments are helpful...



I agree that it looks more accurate. :duff I was wondering at first about the red stripe being too bright but printed on the fabric it will look fine. Good job, dude! :peace
Re: "The Dude" Sweater/T shirt and PJ set & Robe-shorts set & Entropy shoes set

Payment sent for my deposit. Please add me to the list, Moe. :hi5:
Re: "The Dude" Sweater/T shirt and PJ set & Robe-shorts set & Entropy shoes set

Also, where are all of these sculpts coming from?? I have 2 painted rainman that I
Bought last time out, where are all of these coming from if no re-casts?? The same with the bill the butcher, where are all of these getting there sculpts from ?? I can't imagine that everybody on both runs are sitting on rain man sculpts,,, are new scuplts being commissioned??

I've had my Rainman Dude sculpt since his first run on them.

Originally I was trying to get the Bowling outfit made, but
that fell through. So the head's been sitting in it's box for
what seems like 2 years now...:rotfl

Still hoping the moe tackles the bowling outfit & ball as well.
That would be my Grail figure of the Dude.

But will will be happy with this outfit as well, until I can get the bowling one.
Re: "The Dude" Sweater/T shirt and PJ set & Robe-shorts set & Entropy shoes set

Updated list... Midnight the none deposits will go to wait list and others will go on... And have till Thursday midnight!

Sorry guys its only fair solution I can come up with...
I congratulate all that locked their spots up!

This run we worked hard on, I thank my tailor, partner, Jason for all the efforts to get the patterns as accurate as possible!
Re: "The Dude" Sweater/T shirt and PJ set & Robe-shorts set & Entropy shoes set

Hmmm, I was one of the first to pay the deposit and be updated on the sweater clothes set.

Now my name isn't on there.

Whats up?????

Payment Sent (Unique Transaction ID # 76354893FF901034L)

Sent to: marty quinn (The recipient of this payment is Verified)
Email: [email protected]
Amount sent: -$15.00 USD
Fee amount: $0.00 USD
Net amount: -$15.00 USD


Date: Mar 23, 2013
Time: 17:45:10 PDT
Status: Completed

Subject: You've got money IKE-CON
Note: Deposit on Dude outfit with sweater.
Funding Type: PayPal Balance
Funding Source: $15.00 USD - PayPal Account
Last edited:
Re: "The Dude" Sweater/T shirt and PJ set & Robe-shorts set & Entropy shoes set

I've paid too. Just want to be sure I don't get lost in the shuffle. Get sick and you miss out. :lol
Re: "The Dude" Sweater/T shirt and PJ set & Robe-shorts set & Entropy shoes set

Hmmm, I was one of the first to pay the deposit and be updated on the sweater

Sorry bro your on, I was moving things around!

I've paid too. Just want to be sure I don't get lost in the shuffle. Get sick and you miss out. :lol

You too bro!
Re: "The Dude" Sweater/T shirt and PJ set & Robe-shorts set & Entropy shoes set

You know, if you move things around too much...you'll go blind...:rotfl

:rotfl well this run I guess was my most hardest to keep track of all!
Man how many Dude Fans???

I just watched it last week! It was Great! The Dude is a Sick Dude:lol
And I'm going to own one with a stiff drink:thud:
Re: "The Dude" Sweater/T shirt and PJ set & Robe-shorts set & Entropy shoes set

We seriously need more spots available for Entropy's accessory sets!