I think no one is expected a rush here Andy. All good 
Take the time you need and enjoy the upcoming holidays.
Take the time you need and enjoy the upcoming holidays.
I'm sure like all your work it will be worth the wait ☺Progress report on the Fear and Loathing drug case.
I haven't been great about providing updates on this project but production is in progress right now. All internal parts of the cases are printed and I'm in the process of printing all of the cases themselves right now. Unfortunately I can only print 2 case shells at once at 15 hours per print. So it's simply a time consuming process. Once all cases are printed I can finally move into the finishing work of all the various pieces.
Thank you for your patience this of you who ordered a set. It will be rewarded!
Long sold out sorryInterested
Sorry that won't happenI pray you restock again. If so, any idea when? Much Respect...