"The Dude" Sweater/T shirt and PJ set & Entropy shoes set *taking payments*

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Re: "The Dude" Sweater/T shirt and PJ set & Entropy shoes set *taking payments*

Staps, I don't have an update for you right now nor a firm date I will be done other than soon and I'm working on it, which is partly why I made the GRR Martin joke. There have been setbacks, personal things I prefer to do with my time (hello ladies) and money I've had to raise for new supplies. I understand you're frustrated. I'm sorry for that. I'll get these out as soon as I can. :peace
Re: "The Dude" Sweater/T shirt and PJ set & Entropy shoes set *taking payments*

Staps, I don't have an update for you right now nor a firm date I will be done other than soon and I'm working on it, which is partly why I made the GRR Martin joke. There have been setbacks, personal things I prefer to do with my time (hello ladies) and money I've had to raise for new supplies. I understand you're frustrated. I'm sorry for that. I'll get these out as soon as I can. :peace

Thanks Jeff, I understand. I'm mainly trying to get a gauge for when this will be ready and make sure I budget for the set when it comes out. Things are extremely tight right now and I'm worried I'll miss out on this set is all so thanks for updating.
Re: "The Dude" Sweater/T shirt and PJ set & Entropy shoes set *taking payments*

Don't worry about that. I will produce a set for you and sell it to you whenever you have the funds available. Those with the clothing will not be passed over or shut out or whatever. I have also been casting in this time while doing the BB stuff and have 20 or so sunglasses done and got the tint right for the torso pieces. "Soon" sucks as an answer but soon. :monkey1
Re: "The Dude" Sweater/T shirt and PJ set & Entropy shoes set *taking payments*

Don't worry about that. I will produce a set for you and sell it to you whenever you have the funds available. Those with the clothing will not be passed over or shut out or whatever. I have also been casting in this time while doing the BB stuff and have 20 or so sunglasses done and got the tint right for the torso pieces. "Soon" sucks as an answer but soon. :monkey1

Thanks bud, I appreciate it!
Re: "The Dude" Sweater/T shirt and PJ set & Entropy shoes set *taking payments*

Goodbye, like I said I don't give a damn what you think I'm trying to get an update from the man himself so take your comments elsewhere.

Happy now you've heard from the man himself? Good glad it all worked out :). Not really concerned whether you like or want my input but I'm more than entitled to voice my opinion on here. This hobby has taken a turn for the worse over the past couple of years. No patience, everyone wants updated constantly and they want the products immediately. I have stuff on my order list I've been waiting for for over a year now but you won't hear a peep out of me nor will I complain if I have to wait another year to get a product the artist is truly happy with. You want the best you gotta wait for the best!
Re: "The Dude" Sweater/T shirt and PJ set & Entropy shoes set *taking payments*

^Rainman turns out his stuff close to a month..... must not be one of the best at what he does I suppose...:dunno

i think people like and expect basic 'communication'. It is not hard. Even if there is no news, but "still working on these" would be good to hear...
Re: "The Dude" Sweater/T shirt and PJ set & Entropy shoes set *taking payments*

I think it's unreasonable to feel entitled to updates from anyone that has not yet taken your money. IMO, until that happens, their time-table is their own business.
Re: "The Dude" Sweater/T shirt and PJ set & Entropy shoes set *taking payments*

^Rainman turns out his stuff close to a month..... must not be one of the best at what he does I suppose...:dunno

i think people like and expect basic 'communication'. It is not hard. Even if there is no news, but "still working on these" would be good to hear...

To be fair Rainman does what he does full time. Yes of course like anyone he has a family and other real life commitments but this is what he does for a living (as far as I know correct me if I'm wrong). He also doesn't turn out anything in a month lol. From conception date to arriving at our doors it certainly isn't a month hell it isn't even a month from preorder date to landing at our doors. Speed of delivery has no bearing on the quality of an artist whatsoever Rainman is of course one of the best but you can't compare his turn around times with somebody like Jeff who does this purely for the want to do it. Again I'm not trying to imply Rainman doesn't 'love' or 'want' to do what he does of course he does but he also does it for financial gain like any artist who is also a business man it's his job. Jeff has a career (outside of the hobby), family, friends and many many other commitments that are far more important than 1/6th. If he doesn't update it's cos he's working away and has nothing to show. He's not going anywhere and he's not gonna rip anyone off! He hasn't taken a penny off anybody for this project yet lol so updates should rightly be at his own pace he doesn't owe anybody anything

I think it's unreasonable to feel entitled to updates from anyone that has not yet taken your money. IMO, until that happens, their time-table is their own business.

Exactly :goodpost:
Re: "The Dude" Sweater/T shirt and PJ set & Entropy shoes set *taking payments*

To be fair Rainman does what he does full time. Yes of course like anyone he has a family and other real life commitments but this is what he does for a living (as far as I know correct me if I'm wrong). He also doesn't turn out anything in a month lol. From conception date to arriving at our doors it certainly isn't a month hell it isn't even a month from preorder date to landing at our doors. Speed of delivery has no bearing on the quality of an artist whatsoever Rainman is of course one of the best but you can't compare his turn around times with somebody like Jeff who does this purely for the want to do it. Again I'm not trying to imply Rainman doesn't 'love' or 'want' to do what he does of course he does but he also does it for financial gain like any artist who is also a business man it's his job. Jeff has a career (outside of the hobby), family, friends and many many other commitments that are far more important than 1/6th. If he doesn't update it's cos he's working away and has nothing to show. He's not going anywhere and he's not gonna rip anyone off! He hasn't taken a penny off anybody for this project yet lol so updates should rightly be at his own pace he doesn't owe anybody anything

Yes, but it is not 6 months either...:lol:lol:lol
Re: "The Dude" Sweater/T shirt and PJ set & Entropy shoes set *taking payments*

Yes, but it is not 6 months either...:lol:lol:lol

No it's not but I refer you to this part of my previous statement :)

To be fair Rainman does what he does full time. Yes of course like anyone he has a family and other real life commitments but this is what he does for a living (as far as I know correct me if I'm wrong).

Therefore it's not unexpected his turn around times are significantly shorter than others. Even Iminime take approx 6 months to get a figure to you. Rainman is an exceptional artist but the speed at which he works is certainly not the norm!
Re: "The Dude" Sweater/T shirt and PJ set & Entropy shoes set *taking payments*

any update from entropy?
Re: "The Dude" Sweater/T shirt and PJ set & Entropy shoes set *taking payments*

sure does stink for sure, i think a lot of guys did this figure with thoughts of getting entropy stuff also. i know jeff is slow, he has always been, but that doesnt bother me, he has a life and family outside this, its not a main source of income for him, so speed isnt really a factor. what stinks is no updates and if i were to guess this isnt any closer now than it was in june, let alone march when this first came out. too bad, jeff is a top notch customizer, i have many of his works and proud to own them. as far as this, whomever held their breath is probably dead, lol. most like me have probably moved on, thats why you dont see this thread blowing up, also no money was taken, jeff owes nothing to be fair..
Re: "The Dude" Sweater/T shirt and PJ set & Entropy shoes set *taking payments*

sure does stink for sure, i think a lot of guys did this figure with thoughts of getting entropy stuff also. i know jeff is slow, he has always been, but that doesnt bother me, he has a life and family outside this, its not a main source of income for him, so speed isnt really a factor. what stinks is no updates and if i were to guess this isnt any closer now than it was in june, let alone march when this first came out. too bad, jeff is a top notch customizer, i have many of his works and proud to own them. as far as this, whomever held their breath is probably dead, lol. most like me have probably moved on, thats why you dont see this thread blowing up, also no money was taken, jeff owes nothing to be fair..

Hit the nail on the head with the last bit for sure.
Re: "The Dude" Sweater/T shirt and PJ set & Entropy shoes set *taking payments*

Either way I need to complete my dude hope this starts sooner rather than later:wave:peace
Re: "The Dude" Sweater/T shirt and PJ set & Entropy shoes set *taking payments*

I'm shooting for having these done next month. I don't want to drag it out into next year as it's already been too long. Stuff comes up, blah blah, I had an issue with the clear casting for the drink and may scrap that piece for now just to get these out more quickly. I have a nice long stretch of Thanksgiving break to work so hopefully I get some of these projects behind me. We'll get this done dudes. :peace
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