MGS2 Solid Snake headsculpt by Amnur

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Was putting finishing touches to body this afternoon.I have put a wetsuit undersuit on my MGS 3 body, just moved it a bit and it went crack and the body broke in half. Any way made up a new body and will post photos tomorrow of finished suit minus head.
Indeed just got the package today.

I took a quick look and it seems that the package was inspected by customs and one of the head has been removed from his protection.

It was a painted head, pretty sure the one for Frank Jaeger. SOme small paint damages but I will fix that before sending it.
Cool that the package arrived. Not so cool about the damage.

Would love to see pics Seb!
Yes I will take some pics tomorrow for sure.
Right now i'm ready to go to bed :)

First impression is that the head looks a bit too big for my liking.

I got Amnur previous ground zero snake and this one is larger.
Yes I will take some pics tomorrow for sure.
Right now i'm ready to go to bed :)

First impression is that the head looks a bit too big for my liking.

I got Amnur previous ground zero snake and this one is larger.

I said the head was big but guess no one noticed It.
The Mgs1 was perfect.
Well I tough that the MGS1 was too small!
Seb, can you please post side by side the MGs2 ans GZ sculpts.
If you guys think the same, it's my obligation to prepare a replacement to you, with no costs.
Of course it was mine that got paint damage :slap

Thanks Seb for touching it up for me!

How much bigger? Can you take a picture on your TTM19 body?